STD Flashcards
_____is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi, a Gram-negative bacterium. It is uncommon in
the United States. It is a cofactor for HIV transmission.
Sx of chancroid
A pustule, usually on the vulva, becomes a painful ulcer within 72 hours, with a typically “ragged edge
Mx of chancroid
CDC-recommended treatment includes a single oral dose of azithromycin, a
single IM dose of ceftriaxone, or oral erythromycin base for 7 days
_____caused by the L serotype of Chlamydia trachomatis. It is uncommon in the United
Sx of LGV
A painless vesiculopustular eruption, usually on the vulva, spontaneously heals.
This is replaced within a few weeks by perirectal adenopathy that can lead to abscesses and fistula formation.
Mx of LGV
CDC-recommended treatment includes oral doxycycline or erythromycin for
3 weeks.
This disease is caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, a Gram-negative intracellular
bacterium. It is uncommon in the United States
Granuloma Inguinale/ Donovanosis
SSx of Granuloma Inguinale/ Donovanosis
A vulvar nodule breaks down, forming a painless, beefy red, highly vascular
ulcer with fresh granulation tissue without regional lymphadenopathy
Dx of Donovanosis
Culture of the organism is difficult but microscopic examination of an ulcer smear
will reveal Donovan bodies.
Mx of Donovanosis
CDC-recommended treatment includes oral doxycycline or azithromycin for 3 weeks
Dx with painful ulcers
Genital herpes
Dx without ulcers
Chlamydia HPV Gonorrhea Hepatitis B HIV
Sign of LGV
Groove sign/a double genitocrural fold,
It is the most common overall STD in women, as well as the most common viral STD. Transmission can occur with subclinical lesions.
Condyloma Acuminatum
HPV subtypes 16 and 18 are associated with ______ whereas ______ is associated with HPV types 6 and 11.
cervical and vulvar carcinoma
PE of pts with condyloma
The characteristic appearance of a condyloma is a pedunculated, soft papule that progresses into a cauliflowerlike
The most common site of lesions in condyloma is the______
Mx (topical of condyloma)
podofilox [Condylox] solution or gel (antimitotic drug); imiquimod [Aldara] cream (topically active immune-enhancer); or sinecatechins ointment (green-tea extract)
Provider-administered local treatment for condyloma
cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen or cryoprobe);
podophyllin resin (not used in pregnancy); trichoroacetic acid [TCA] or biochloroacetic
acid [BCA] (caustic agents); or surgical removal
This disease is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, an obligatory intracellular bacterium.
It is the most common bacterial STD in women, occurring up to 5 times more frequently than gonorrhea
Cx of Chlamydia
The long-term sequelae arise from pelvic adhesions, causing chronic pain and
infertility. When the active infection ascends to the upper genital tract and becomes symptomatic, it is known as acute pelvic inflammatory disease (acute PID).
SSx of pts with Chlamydia
The classic cervical finding is mucopurulent cervical discharge. Urethral and
cervical motion tenderness may or may not be noted
Dx of Chlamydia
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) of either cervical discharge or urine is used
Mx of Chlamydia
The CDC-recommended treatment includes a single oral dose of azithromycin or
oral doxycycline for 7 days.
Patients should avoid coitus for 7 days after therapy. A test-of-cure (repeat testing 3−4 weeks after completing therapy) is recommended for pregnant wome
Causative agent of gonorrhea
This disease is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a Gram-negative diplococcus
Mx of Gonorrhea
The CDC-treatment recommendations include a single dose of IM ceftriaxone plus a single oral dose of azithromycin