GTN Flashcards
______ is an abnormal proliferation of placental tissue involving both the cytotrophoblast and/or syncytiotrophoblast
GTN, or molar pregnancy,
_______is the most common benign GTN. It results from fertilization of an empty egg with a single X sperm resulting in paternally derived (androgenetic) normal 46,XX karyotype.
Complete mole
Complete mole
Progression to malignancy is ______
____is the less common benign GTN. It results from fertilization of a normal egg with two sperm resulting in triploid 69,XXY karyotype
Incomplete mole
___is the gestational trophoblastic tumor (GTT) which can develop in 3 categories.
Malignant GTN
Good Prognosis metastatic disease has distant metastasis with the most common
location being the _____. Cure rate is >95%.
pelvis or lung
Poor Prognosis metastatic disease has distant metastasis with the most common
location being the ______. Cure rate is 65%.
brain or the liver.
Poor prognostic factors
Other poor prognosis factors are serum b-hCG levels >40,000, >4 months from the antecedent pregnancy, and following a term
SSx of GTN
The most common symptom is_____
bleeding prior to 16 weeks’ gestation and passage of vesicles from the vagina.
Sign of GTN
The most common sign is_______, absence of fetal heart tones, bilateral cystic enlargements of the ovary known as theca-lutein cysts
fundus larger than dates
Characteristic sonology of GTN
“Snowstorm” ultrasound
- Baseline quantitative b-hCG titer
- Chest X-ray to rule out lung metastasis
- Suction D&C to evacuate the uterine contents
Other Mx to give to pt with GTN during ff up
Place the patient on effective contraception (oral contraceptive pills) for the duration of the
follow-up period to ensure no confusion between rising b-hCG titers from recurrent disease and normal pregnancy
How frequent to do HCG in benign GTN
Weekly serial b-hCG titers until negative for 3 weeks, then monthly titers until negative for 12 months
If serial b-hCG titers plateau or rise and normal intrauterine pregnancy is ruled out by vaginal sonogram,
the patients are diagnosed with ______
persistent gestational trophoblastic disease
Non-metastatic or Good Prognosis metastatic disease: ______until weekly b-hCG titers become negative for 3 weeks, then monthly titers until negative for 12 months. Follow-up is for 1 year
Single agent (methotrexate or actinomycin D)
Poor Prognosis metastatic disease: __________until weekly b-hCG titers become negative for 3 weeks, then monthly titers for 2 years, then every 3 months for another 3 years. Follow-up is for 5 years.
Multiple agent chemotherapy (which includes
methotrexate, actinomycin-D and cytoxan)