Stats Testing Flashcards
Stats table
Levels Test of diff. Test of assoc
If. Unre. Relat. iation
Data. lated. ed
Nom. Chi. Sign. Chi
Squ. Test. Squ
Ord. Mann. Wilc. Spearmans
Whit. oxon. Rho
Int. Unrel. Rel. Pearsons
Ttest. Ttest. R
Level of significance
95% certainty that the results where due to the manipulation of the IV and less than 5% that it was down to chance
Nominal data
Writing down words
Ordinal data
Numerical data
Non fixed increments
Interval data
Numerical data
Fixed increments
Non subjective
Test of difference
2 IV
1 DV
Test of correlation
There will be a relationship
Unrelated design
Independent groups
Related design
Repeated measures
Matched pairs
Type 1 error
False positive
Accepting the research hypothesis even though it’s not true
Due to a poor research design or the level of significance being too lenient
Use a more significant level 0.01
Type 2 error
Accepting the null hypothesis when the research hypothesis is correct
Due to poor research design or a less stringent level of significance
More lenient level of significance 0.05
How to calculate the sign
Write wether or not there is an increase or decrease in score between 2 conditions and then exclude any equals
The smallest of either the + or the - is the sign in the study
If you already have the sign how do you calculate if sign is less than it equal to the critical value
Choose the correct level of significance
Get the number of people in the study and then subtract anyone who had no change
Find that number on the graph and then use that to find your critical value