Statistics Flashcards
What is the mean?
Add all the values together and divide by the number of values.
What is the median?
The middle value (Average middle 2 if odd number of values)
What is the mode?
The most frequently observed value
What is the standard deviation?
Estimate of the average variability (spread) of the data
What is the 95% confidence interval?
The range of values around that statistics (so 95% of values will fit into between the range of values)
What is standard error?
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a given statistic.
What is the range?
The range in values (Maximum and minimum)
What are the basic statistics?
The mean, mode, range, median, 95% confidence interval and standard deviatio.
How do you find the basic statistics using SPSS?
1) Enter data into SPSS
2) Analyse
3) Descriptive statistics
4) Explore
5) Add the variable into the dependant list
6) OK
What is P?
The p value is the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis
What is the null hypothesis?
The null hypothesis is that there is no difference
Why do we use statistics?
To test our data against the null hypothesis
What does p < 0.05 mean
p < 0.05 is described as significant.
Essentially if its less than 0.05 you are 99.95% sure there is a significant difference!
Example of hypothesis and null hypothesis?
Hypothesis: Paracetamol will reduce symptoms of a headache
Null hypothesis: Paracetamol may reduce symptoms of a headache
What is normal distribution?
Normal distribution is:
- Ensures that the data is representative of a “normal population”
- Important for quantitative data
- Helps determine how we present data
- Helps determine what statistical test we use to analyse data
What are the tests used for normal distribution?
To see whether data is normally distributed use;
- Kolmogorov - Smirnov test
- Shapiro - Wilk test
When do you use parametric or non parametric test?
P value is < 0.05 = NOT normally distributed = non parametric test
P value is > 0.05 = normally distributed = parametric test
How can you test for normality i.e a Kolmogorov Smirnov test or Shapiro Wilko test?
You can do this at the same time as basic statistics in SPSS. YOU MUST HAVE ALL DATA IN SEPERATE COLUMNS (i.e. do not stack)
1) Enter data into SPSS
2) Analyse
3) Descriptive Statistics
4) Explore - Add the variable into the dependant list
5) Click plots
6) Click normality plot with tests
7) Histograms
8) Continue
What would happen if one was significant and the other wasn’t?
It is not normally distributed they both need to be normally distributed in order to use the parametric test.
What is a type 1 error?
Occurs when we believe that there is a genuine effect in our population, when in fact there isn’t