Nervous System Flashcards
What percentage do Glial cells approximately, constitute to the cellular elements of the nervous system?
What are the several types of Glial cells found in the nervous system?
- Astrocytes
- Microglia
- Oligodendrocytes
- Ependyma
What are Astrocytes?
Astrocytes are star shaped cells that are found in the CNS.
These cells are important in establishing the Blood Brain Barrier this isolates the brain from the blood, which may contain substances that may be damaging to neurons.
What is the blood brain barrier?
The brain receives blood from arteries it sort of acts as a filter keeping harmful substances out.
What are Microglia?
Microglia are phagocytic cells which remove for example damaged neurons and microorganisms.
They form part of an active immune system which is important since antibodies cannot cross the BBB
What are Oligodendrocytes?
Oligodendrocytes form the myelin sheath of CNS neurons.
In the peripheral nervous system this role is performed by Schwann cells.
What are Ependyma?
Ependyma are glial cells which line the ventricles of the brain and form cerebrospinal fluid. (CSF)
What are Neurons
Neurons are the functional cellular element of the nervous system in that they are capable of generating and transmitting action potentials.
What are the 3 functional regions of neurons?
Neurons consist of 3 functional regions:
- Dendritic (input from other neurones or sensory receptors)
- Somatic (Cell body typical of all cells)
- Axonic (Output to other neurons or effectors e.g. muscles and glands.)
Structural classification is based on the projections originating from the cell body
What is the structural classification of neurones?
Unipolar - one projection (e.g. peripheral sensory neurones)
Bipolar - Two projections (e.g. retinal neurons)
Multipolar - many projections (e.g. motor neurones)
Functional classification is based on the direction of action potential movement
What is Functional classification groups?
Afferent (sensory) neurons - Action potential travelling towards the CNS
Efferent (Motor) neurons - Action potentials travelling away from the CNS
Interneurons - Action potentials travelling within the CNS
What does the highly extensive dendritic branching allow?
It allows inputs from other neurons
How many inputs may a typical neuron recieve?
Up to 10 000 inputs
What does a myelin sheath, formed from Schwann cells, increase?
The conduction velocity of an action potential.
What is an axon terminal?
Axons terminate at an axon terminal, which form the pre synaptic regions of a synapse and allows communication with other neurons or structures.
The Structure Of A Neuron
Fig 2.3 PG 14
How can you measure the potential difference (Voltage) across the membrane of an individual neuron?
By placing once microelectrode in the cytoplasm of the cell whilst leaving a second one on the outside of the cell.
What is the potential difference?
At resting state there is a difference in charge across the neurone membrane: the inside of the neurone is more negatively charged than outside.
The difference in charge is called a potential difference.
What is the resting membrane potential?
The resting potential is the potential difference across a neuron’s membrane when it’s at rest. In a resting neuron, the inside is more negatively charged than the outside, with a resting potential of about -70 mV to -80mV
How is the resting membrane potential estabilished?
The RMP is established by 3 factors:
- A difference between the composition of fluids within the neuron (intracellular fluid) and that outside of the neuron (extracellular fluid)
- Differential permeability of the neuronal membrane to different ions found in the ICF and ECF.
- The presence of transport proteins in the membrane which are capable of moving ions across the membrane.
What ions are the ICF and ECF rich in?
The ICF is rich in K+ ions and poor in Na+ ions - concentrations are approximately 140mM and 5mM respectively
In the ECF these concentrations are essentially reversed.
However note that through the presence of other ions in both the ICF and ECF , the number of positive and negative ions in the 2 compartments are equal.
At rest, what is the neuronal membrane permeable to?
K+ ions
What does the presence of K+ leak channels ensure?
It ensures that K+ ions are free to move down their outwardly acting concentration gradient from the ICF to the ECF
As K+ ions move what happens to the charge?
As K+ ions move they take a positive charge with them and leave behind their corresponding associated negative charge. As this happens a potential difference begins to be established.
Why is it that once K+ ions move out it becomes increasingly difficult for subsequent ions to move out?
This is because of the development of an inwardly acting electrical gradient.
At some point, the outwardly acting concentration gradient is equal and opposite to the inwardly acting electrical gradient
What is this called and what happens?
This is called the K+ electrochemical equilibrium.
At this point a potential difference has been established.
The value approximates to but is not identical to the measured resting membrane potential.
What is the principal extracellular ion?
The principal extracellular ion is Na+
There is an inwardly acting Na+ concentration gradient.
However membrane permeability to Na+ is only a hundredth of that to K+
Therefore there is a small movement of Na+ ions which brings a positive charge back into the neuron.
This acts to reduce the value of the potential difference generated by the movement of K+ alone.
Over time the neuron loses K+ and gains Na+
Within the membrane there is a Na+/K+-ATPase Pump
What is its function?
Within the membrane there is a Na+/K+-ATPase Pump which transports 3 Na+ ions out in exchange for 2 K+ ions in.
This restores the concentration gradient of these ions, upon which the resting membrane potential depends.
Since there is an unequal exchange of ions, the pump makes a small contribution to the RMP itself.
What are Action Potentials?
Action potentials are the ‘currency’ of the nervous system.
An action potential is a rapid sequence of changes in the voltage across a membrane.
Action potentials is basically where the inside of the neuron changes from being negatively charged to positively charged and back to negatively charged all within 2ms
What does a typical intracellular recording of an AP look like?
Fig 2.4 PG 16
How can an AP be initiated?
Action potentials may be initiated by activity in other neurons, by stimulation of sensory receptors or experimentally by the application of an electrical or drug induced stimulus.
What are the 3 Phases of an action potential?
An action potential can be divided into 3 phases:
- Depolarization
- Repolarization
- After - Hyperpolarization
What is depolarization?
The depolarization phase takes the interior of the neuron from an RMP of approximately -80mV to a value of +30mV. The mechanism responsible for this is the rapid opening of the membrane Na+ channels and the influx of Na+ ions.
When does depolarization take place?
Depolarization: This is the initial phase of the action potential and starts when the previously resting membrane potential reaches the threshold level at-55mV.
What happens at the peak of the action potential?
(What is the repolarizing phase?)
At the peak of the action potential, the Na+ channels close and a series of K+ channels open. As a result, the membrane potential begins to decrease as K+ ions and thus positive charge leave the neuron.
What is the after - hyperpolarization phase
Compared with the Na+ channels, the K+ channels which open during repolarization are slow to close.
As a result, the loss of K+ ions exceeds that necessary to return the neuron to the RMP.
Therefore there is a temporary drop in membrane potential below the RMP.
What happens at the end of the action potential?
At the end of the AP a neuron has gained Na+ ions and lost K+ ions.
The activity of the Na+/K+-ATPase Pump restores these ions to their original pre - AP location and the overall membrane potential is returned to the RMP.
In order to generate an AP what must the membrane potential reach?
The Threshold
What is the threshold?
The threshold is generally about 15mV above the RMP.
If the RMP reaches this value the Na+ channels open instantaneously and depolarization occurs.
What is the refractory period?
The refractory period is a period of time during which the neuron is either unresponsive to a second stimulus or an increased stimulus intensity is required to generate a second AP.
What is the absolute refractory period?
The absolute refractory period is the time during which a neuron is unresponsive to a second stimulus, regardless of intensity. This period occurs at the same time with the depolarization phase moving into the repolarization phase of the AP
It corresponds to the period when the Na+ channels are inactivated.
What is the inactivation of the Na+ channels?
Inactivation of Na+ channels follows their rapid opening and closure during depolarization.
From being inactivated they become closed and are then able to open again.
What is the relative refractory period?
The relative refractory period corresponds to the depolarizing and after - hyperpolarizing phase of the AP. During this phase a second stimulus, of greater magnitude than that which generated the first AP, may generate a second AP.
How are regions of depolarized membrane affected?
Regions of depolarized membrane depolarize the adjacent region, which depolarizes the next, and so on.
What does the presence of the relative refractory period ensure?
The presence of the relative refractory period ensures that the movement of the AP is unidirectional.
What are the 2 important factors which influence the speed of conduction of the AP?
The 2 important factors that influence the speed of conduction of the AP are the diameter of the axon (the larger the faster) and the presence of a myelin sheath
Where does depolarization occur in myelinated neurones?
In myelinated neurons, depolarization only occurs at the nodes of Ranvier therefore conduction velocity is increased.
What is a synapse?
A synapse is the gap between an axon terminal and another neuron or structure (e.g. muscle cells).
What is the organisation of a synapse?
Figure 2.6 Page 18
How do synapses operate?
Synapses may operate either electrically or chemically.
Chemical neurotransmission is most common.
How do Calcium ions (Ca2+) enter the axon terminal?
Action potentials reach the axon terminal and result in its depolarization.
This facilitates the opening of voltage - gated Ca2+ channels, which allows entry of calcium ions into the axon terminal
What happens if there is a rise in intracellular Ca2+ levels?
The rise in intracellular Ca2+ levels activates a variety of intracellular protein kinases
What does the activation of kinases result in?
The activation of kinases results in the fusion of the vesicle containing the neurotransmitter with the membrane of the axon terminal and release of the neurotransmitter into the synapse.