Statistics Flashcards
name for the bottom half of a formula
Statistics that describe an aspect of data (e.g. mean, median, mode, variance, range)
Statistics that allow you to make predictions about or comparisons between data (e.g., t-value, F-value, rho)
interval estimates
a range of values that summarise an aspect of a data set. Examples include the range, variance, standard deviation, standard error and confidence intervals.
A descriptive statistic that measures the average value of a set of numbers
The middle number in a distribution where half of the values are larger and half are smaller
name of the top half of a formula
the word used to describe someone who has taken part in a study. Note that subject is outdated and no longer used
point estimates
a single value that summarises an aspect of a data set. Examples include the mean, median, and the mode.
All members of a group that we wish to generalise our findings to
a subset of the population that you wish to make an inference about through your test
Rules or assumptions about the data that must be confirmed before we use a specific test, otherwise the findings would be meaningless. Examples: t-tests, pearson correlation, single regression, multiple regression
Degree of dispersion (variability) of values in a dataset
least informative, lowest value to highest value
Interquartile Range
summarising values between the 25th and 75th percentile and captures 50% of the distribution
a measure of spread which uses information from all the scores in a dataset - averaged squared deviated from the mean
steps of calculation:
1. Find the difference between value and the mean
2. square the difference
3. sum all the squared differences together
4. Divide by N-1
Standard Deviation (SD)
measure of the average deviation from the mean in the original scale, using all the values in the data set
steps of calculation:
1. Find the difference between each value and the mean.
2. Square each difference
3. Sum all the squared differences together
4. Divide by N-1
5. Take the square root
Standard Error of the Mean (SEM)/(SE)
A statistical measure that describes how much the sample mean is expected to vary from the true population mean
calculated by dividing the SD by the square root of the number of values
the likelihood of the occurrence of an event or outcome
p = number of ways the event could arise/number of possible outcomes
joint probability
the unrelated events occurring at the same time. calculated by multiplying together the probability of each individual event
resetting the number of outcomes to the original value after an event occurs
Binomial distribution
a discrete distribution in which every event has a probability on a given distribution
A statistical distribution that summarises the probability that a value will take one of the two independent values under a given set of parameters or assumptions
Normal distribution
a theoretical distribution with a particular bell shape. the peak of the distribution corresponds to the mean, mode, median = 0 and the SD = 1
Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST)
A technique for establishing if a hypothesis is likely based on the probability of finding a value as large as or larger, than the one you have found, if the null hypothesis was true