Statistics Flashcards
How many Americans are at a healthy weight, have a proper diet and regularly exercise
Who is more likely to engage in health protective behaviors
Access to proper screening is limited by
access to healthcare
ability to take off work –> work conflicts
Binge drink for Men
5 drinks in one sitting
Binge Drink for Women
4 drinks in one sitting
Cuts to government spending after affecting:
public health and public education
What is a trigger symptom?
How many adult experience some type of chronic pain?
How many adults experience pain all the time?
What is the average contacts with physicians per year during the mid 90s?
Class effects of the poor:
-less likely to have health care
-more likely to use ER as primary care
-less likely to be admitted to a hospital but more likely to be more sick when they do
Which ethnic group has the lowest rate of utilize health care services?
What the trend for case/physician with malpractice litigation cases?
How many malpractice lawsuits actually get payouts
about 20%
How often do cases actually get filed?
most do not