static electricity Flashcards
what is all matter made up of?
All matter is made up of atoms.
what is at the center of an atom and what is inside it?
what is an ion?
At the center of each atom is a nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons that are immobile.
Electrons surround the nucleus. Movement of electrons from atom to atom create electrical charges (ions).
what is coulomb’s law?
Like charges repel while opposite charges attract.
what kind of holds do electrons have?
Some elements have a weak hold on their electrons, while some have a strong hold
what happens to atoms if they gain/lose electrons?
A single atom is electrically neutral and they have the same number of protons and electrons.
If an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negative ion.
If an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion.
what happens when neutral objects come into contact?
When neutral objects come into contact, one often has a stronger affinity/attraction to steal electrons while the other releases electrons.
⇧This gain of electrons between objects causes a buildup of charges (opposite to each other) on each object.
⇧This imbalance of electric charges is referred to as static electricity.
What can friction cause?
Friction can cause some substances to gain/lose electrons.
what substances give up electrons easily?
Some substances give up electrons easily like; glass, wool & fur.
what substances like to take electrons?
Some like to take electrons like; ebonite, plastic & gold.
where does static electricity work best?
Static electricity works best in dry, cold air