States of Exception Flashcards
? (200?)
- American ? dominated geopolitics of the last ? centuries
- War on ? justified American presence ?
Dalby (2007)
- American empire dominated geopolitics of the last two centuries
- War on Terror justified American presence globally
? (199?)
- ? aggression was sen as ? for US ? in the ? world
Dodds (1999)
- Soviet aggression was sen as justification for US exceptionalism in the third world
? (2006_
- ? Bay understood as a space of ?
- prisoners of war on terror ? to ?, ? bodies
- ? argued ? produced through state declaring ?
Gregory (2006_
- Gitmo Bay understood as a space of exception
- prisoners of war on terror rendered to basic, biopoliticised bodies
- Agamben argued exception produced through state declaring emergency
? (200?)
- - The idea of the ‘? ? ? scenario’ argues that government officials can use greater, ? force as the ‘deadline’ to a ? or that of similar) is due. ?, for example, is a programme that uses this premise often
Hannah (2006)
- - The idea of the ‘ticking time bomb scenario’ argues that government officials can use greater, exceptional force as the ‘deadline’ to a bomb or that of similar) is due. NCIS, for example, is a programme that uses this premise often
Mac? (200?)
- ? and Dramas like ? justify state ?
- ? torture is reserved for ? ?, away from prying eyes
MacMaster (2004)
- CNN and Dramas like 24 justify state torture
- CIA torture is reserved for exceptional spaces, away from prying eyes
?ton (201?_
- ? porn (Hostel, Saw films etc) played on the ? tempo of ? as a government method, during the war on ?.
- ? plays on the anxieties that there are ? forces that seek to prey solely on ?, and they must be combatted by any means necessary
Middleton (2010_
- Toruture porn (Hostel, Saw films etc) played on the cultiural tempo of torture as a government method, during the war on terror.
- Hostel plays on the anxieties that there are malicious forces that seek to prey solely on Americans, and they must be combatted by any means necessary
? (201?)
- ?sites across the world, are where ? is ?
- ? ? is a ?-owned (legally independent, but not really) leased island to ?, which operates its own ? law in this ? space.
Sidaway (2010)
- Black sites across the world, are where exceptionality is magnified
- Diego Garcia is a British-owned (legally independent, but not really) leased island to Americans, which operates its own exceptional law in this exceptional space.
? (201?)
- in ?, ? bares the ? of ? behaviour in order to keep the nation safe
Walsh (2011)
- in 24, Jack bares the sins of exceptional behaviour in order to keep the nation safe
? (200?)
- ? state required ? intervention, such as ?
Bulley (2008)
- Failed state required exceptional intervention, such as Iraq
? (200?)
- ? ? is a leader for his honour and ?; like ?
- Longs for a ? life beyond his ? own; like USA
Dittmer (2005)
- Captiain America is a leader for his honour and values; like USA
- Longs for a normal life beyond his exceptional own; like USA
?berg (201?)
- ? border seen as a space of ?
Sundberg (2015)
- Mexican border seen as a space of exception
? (200?)
- The ? has been the site of ? (?) since the war on ?.
- Through the ?, bio-politics acts as the key to gaining ? into the land, where it is domestic or foreign.
Salter 2006
- The border has been the site of exception (Amgaben) since the war on terror.
- Through the passport, bio-politics acts as the key to gaining permission into the land, where it is domestic or foreign.