Statement of Fin acctg Standards 60 (FAS60) Flashcards
- Premium Revenue Recognition
2. Claim Cost Recognition
- Premium revenue recognition
- 1 Short-duration contracts
- 1.1 premiums are recognized as revenue evenly over the contract period
- 1.2 If prem subject to adjustment recognize the estimated ultimate premium, revised to reflect current experience
- 2 Long-duration contracts
- 2.1 Premium shall be recognized as revenue when due from policyholders
- 1 Short-duration contracts
- Claim Cost Recognition
- 1 Liability for unpaid claim costs including IBnR shall be accrued when insured events occur
- 2 Claim adjustment expenses (CAE)
- 2.1 Shall be accrued when related liability for unpaid claims is accrued
Liability for future policy benefits
- Accrued when premium revenue is recognized
- PV(future benefits) - PV(future net premiums)
- Assumptions: investment yields, mortality, morbidity, terminations, expenses
- Include provision for the risk of adverse deviation (PAD)
- Original assumptions shall continue to be used unless a premium deficiency exists
- Changes in the liability shall be recognized in income
Acquisition costs
- Acquisition costs shall be capitalized and charged to expense in proportion to premium revenue recognized
- 1 Unamortized acquisition costs shall be classified as an asset
- For short-duration contracts, a percentage can be applied to unearned premiums throughout the period to calculate the Unamortized acquisition costs
- For long-duration contracts, use actual acquisition costs as amount capitalized
Premium Deficiency
- Contracts shall be grouped consistent with manner of acquiring, servicing, and measuring profitability to determine if prem deficiency exists
- Short-term contracts
- 1 Prem deficiency recognized if sum of expected claims, CAE, expected dividends, Unamortized acquisition costs, and maintenance costs > unearned prem
- Long-duration contracts
- 1 A premium deficiency shall be determined as follows
- 1.1 PV of future benefits and related settlement and maintenance costs
- 1.2 Less the PV of future gross premium
- 1.3 Less the liability for future policy benefits at the valuation date
- 1.4 Plus Unamortized acquisition costs
- 2 Premium deficiency shall be recognized by charge to income and:
- 2.1 A reduction of Unamortized acq costs, or
- 2.2 Increase in the liability
- 3 A premium deficiency shall be recognized if aggregate liability on a line of business is deficient
- 3.1 also, if profits would be recognized in early years and losses later
- 1 A premium deficiency shall be determined as follows
Insurers shall disclose the following in financial statements
- The basis for estimating claim liabilities and claims adjustment expenses (CAE)
- Methods and assumptions for future policy benefit liability
- Acquisition costs capitalized, amortization, and method
- Whether investment income is considered relating to short duration contracts
- Reinsurance assumed and ceded, and recoverable that reduce liabilities
- Percentage of participating insurance and the amount of dividends
- The amount of statutory capital, and the amount necessary to satisfy regulatory requirements