State crime Flashcards
What is state crime?
according to McLaughlin what are 4 categories of state crime
what is e.g of state crime?
defined by green and ward as any illegal or deviant activities perpetrated by or with the consent of state agencies
- political = corruption and censorship
2.crimes committed by security forces
3.economic crimes = violation of healthy and safety laws
- social and cultural crimes= institutionalised racism
example of state crime would be
- war crimes = deliberately targeting civilians in times of war, torture and inhuman treatment of prisoners
e.g USA dropping atom bombs on japan
what are 3 types of state crimes?
- torture e.g waterboarding
- genocide = refers to violent crimes committed against national, ethnic or religious groups
- state cooperate crimes = state crimes of often committed in junction with large cooperation’s
according to green and ward why is state crime they most serious form of crime?
- scale of state crime = power of state enables it to commit extreme large scale crimes.
- national sovergenity = the state has supreme authority within it boards and which makes it difficult for international organisations to intervene
- state is source of the law = state defines what is criminal so it can avoid defining its own action as criminal
what are 3 definitions of state crimes
- international law definition = rothe and Mullins argues we should use international law to define state crime as any action by or behalf of state that breaks international laws
criticism : def is social construct and powerful countries can influence passing of laws
- domestic law definition of state = according to Chambliss is any act defined by law as criminal and committed by state official in pursuit of their jobs.
criticism: ignores the fact state has power to decide what is considered criminal or not to prevent themselves being criminalised.
- zemiology = study of harm
- michalowski = any act commited by state that causes harm regarless whether it is illegal or not.
criticism: it is too vauge
rest of state crime in on
doc called rest of state crime.