star alliance Flashcards
neexternal environment of star alliance
Political → if theres a war, reduce travel
Regulations: anti trust laws , prevent cross boarder mergers and acquistions , encourage free competition
Covid 19
Sustainable factors→ invest in fuel efficient aircraft
what do airlines compete on
price, comfort, delays, avialbity of routes and destinations
what impacts profitability
Revenue related factors → load
Cost factors: fuel prices (price takers, fuel prices depend on the commodity market), higher costs= lower profits, having to pay workers
Passenger capacity
Load factor: % of the seats on the plane. Why is it important and affect profitability → we want to offset Fixed costs associated with the flight (maintenance, fuel, staff) need to ensure our planes are flying with full load capacity (ex of economies of scale)
Yield: higher during peak seasons , rivalry may reduce yield and impact profitability, can charge higher prices
Suppliers have a lot of power
Threat of Substitutes → (be careful with flights (other airlines) to competitors tjis is not substitutes, other products or services in another industry are what we are looking at that cna impact our profitability) → bullet train (and other trains) is a substitute and so are busses, cars could be substitutes , using zoom, boats
How does it impact the profitability of airlines (the substitutes)
May have to decrease costs
Presence of the wide range of subs puts pressure on our prices, so many options
Cannot over charge because customers have options
Bargaining power of buyers → consumers are price sensitive →puts a price ceiling on what they can charge customers
threat of new entrants
There are barriers to entry but we see that new airlines are being created all the time
Not impossible to enter this industry
Discount airlines enter sometimes
what is the industry like
Its a tough industry to compete in (cost wise, revenue side, competitor side)
Lots of external favor that limit what airlines can do
Even if companies form an alliance, alliances are also regulated. Cant collude on price
Creates a tough environment
Tough for airlines to generate profit
During unfavourable conditions, not uncommon for airlines to lose money (have a neg year)
star alliance has the fastest growth , highest revenues but the other alliances aren’t far behind
because of tough conditions
competing airlines decided to partner together in alliances
overtime alliances evolve into
constellations aka network alliances (what star alliance is)
how many airlines involved in star alliance
at first inly 5, not 25
why would an airline have to leave
If they get bought by another company not in the alliance
its a temporary alliance
who competes with star alliance
Star alliance was the first to be formed, then others were formed: one world and skyteam → group competition (No longer individual airlines competing but now its one alliance vs another alliance)
How do members within the alliance create synergies
Hub and spoke : network optimization → how does it benefit companies in the alliance? Tehre are hub airports and from there, the more local companies part of the alliance can distribute the passengers to other destinations
Ex: luthstania to denver→ lufthansa doesnt fly to denver but needs a partnering airline to carry the passenger further to denver
Due to the alliance→ Helps to limit other airlines in airports(competition) with the limited landing slots and take off times , gives a competitive advantage (creates barriers to entry for other airlines that dont belong to an alliance , also for new entrants bc if they want to fly out of frankfurt, will have limited choices)
On the revenue side: helps sell more seats, more variety of routes, deter any competitors outside the alliance (new entrants or other competition airlines bc home airlines occupies all the spots)
economies of scale: being able to buy fuel in bulks
They can share airport lounges, maintenance facilities, IT systems
Economies of scope: the sharing of airport lounges, maintenance facilities…
benefits of the hub and spoke system
Main benefits of hub and spoke: increase the load factor , fill our planes better as there are many routes and destination options gives passengers wider access , can capture passengers that they would of lost,
How do passengers benefit from alliance
Better coordination
Place gaits closer to one another so easier for passengers to be delayed
Loyalty programs→ more you travel with the alliance, more miles . reward loyal customers. Gold and silver status
deals are monitored
also access to better tech on the planes
Why introduce loyalty programs (passangers benefiting )
Might reduce competition →
Switching costs are high→ will lose the miles , it locks the customer in, they will want to book with the same alliance. Offsets the bargaining degree of buyers bc they will pay more to get those points
Reduce the threat of new entrants→ if switching costs are high
With the alliance: Passengers have access to tablets, internet tools, better services
passengers keep collecting these points and can gain more access to lounges and better treatment
How can help increase revenue with corporate clients (passengers benefitin)
Have ti fly to global conferences so offer incentives and heavily advertise to capture corporate client
offered discounts
they are key because they fly far
network optimization: how many Dif destinations can it reach and in how many countries
1300 destinations and 195 countries
Passengers also benefit through check ins→
don’t have to keep checking your bags
Helps on the revenue side (more happy customers so more money and less coordinaton )