apple case Flashcards
Brand image
Ecosystem of products→ high switching costs
Vertical integration
Customer service
Innovation and r and d
Successful in retail
Economies of scale
Economies of scope
Siri is underperforming
Closed ecosystem → being closed played against apple because their product wasnt compatible with other brands whereas other brands were compatible with eachother
Maybe high price
apples business strategy
Differentiation, offers premium pricing , try to make their products unique
Did they try to change their strategy? They foudn themsleves with a very small market share (IBM was the standard), whent eh CEOs changed, they decided to appeal to the masses by franchising and their licensing tech→ this is cost leadership→ did not work for apple
Other moment where being closed, secretive worked against them: wanted to keep ipods more secretive
Apple store → also was secretive , will develop apps themselves no one else is allowed to create apps on our platform, steve jobs was convinced to let outside app developers to have their apps on the appsstore and they mdae a lot of revenue
3 divisions
hardware, services and wearables
Horizontal diversification
can see through them coming up with different services , wearables
Why is it looking to diverisfy in self-driving cars, augmented reality,
the markets for computers and iphones are slowing down, they want to diversify and be the first into these new product markets
Reason to diversify into wearables:
wanted to expand their brand image→ flood the market to maximize sales , their competitors were getting into wearables (multipoint competition→ look at what competitors are doing), reinforces the ecosystem (more touchpoints we have with the customer, the more we lock them in)
is there diversification value creating?
Why diversify into services?
brand image, multipoint competition, and hardware sales are saturating so need to find new ways of growth,
Which is the biggest contributer to sales?
Hardware is the biggest, allows extension of sales, hardware is the back bone of their businesses
Wearables is the least contributing position, services is a large amount
vertical integration
outside supplier for microprocessor for their phones however they decided to make it inhouse→ Cost savings, extreme practices of secrecy, critical component as well do not want to rely on outside suppliers
forward integration
had apple stores so they can distribute the prodicts directly to consumers, preserve your products, gives customer chance to interact with products, in apple store only apple products (no comparison with competitors)
apple synergies
gives extra revenue, Sellers can push more than one product → one salesperson for multiple products →
-sellers can push more than one product at the same time (this saves money and produces more
money for) (promotes economies of scope)
-ex. People came for the ipod and then ended up being exposed to the mac.
economies of scope
save money because we use the same resources for multiple purposes
Apple stores were successful because of
ipods, one division (hardware) can help sales of other products
horizontal diversification
moved into different industries (services, wearables)