Standing or trippin Flashcards
Provide teh SO for....
SO: Sepsis including criteria
Sepsis (2+) - 15 ml/kg max. 1 L NS
- RR > 20
-T > 100 F - HR > 100
- SBP < 100
Severe Sepsis (1) - 30 ml/kg max. 2 L NS
- RR > 30
- HR > 130
- SBP < 90
- EtCO2 ≤ 25 mm Hg
Patient is awake and able to cooperate, mask fits appropriately, is able to maintain an open airway and exhibits (2+):
a. RR > 20
b. Accessory muscle use
c. Continued dyspnea/ SpO2 < 94% despite O2
SO: Pulmonary edema/ CHF
Dyspnea, bilateral rales, afebrile
1- O2
4- SBP < 90 mm Hg, norepinephrine 4-12 mcg/ min to maintain SBP 100-110 mm Hg
- mix 4 mg/ 500 ml NS [8mcg/ml] and start at 0.5 ml/min titrated to SBP
CP suggestive of MI
- O2 (SpO2 < 94% or SOB)
- ASA 324 mg PO chewed
- no recent GI bleeds- contact med control
-no allergies
- 12 lead if STEMI criteria transmit ECG and report STEMI Alert
- NTG 0.4 mg SL x3 q 5 min if SBP > 100 mm Hg - AND:
-no ED or pulmonary HTN meds
- RV MI - inferior MI with hypotension
SO: Respiratory Failure
Impending respiratory arrest
1- inability to maintain SpO2 @ 90% >
2- RR < 6 bpm
3- extreme work of breathing
WIth pulse:
1- SpO2 & EtCO2
2- Rescue breathing via BVM with O2 consider ETI
3- Unsuccessful- SGA
Assess for:
1- hypoxia- RR & SpO2 and provide oxygenation and/or ventilation if RR < 6 or SpO2 < 94%
2- BGL- provide glucose < 70 mg/dl
3- if opiate OD is suspected by Hx or PE administer naloxone
- IN [1 mg/ml] no improvement administer 2 mg IM
SO: Seizure & Status Epilepticus
Continuous generalized seizures or repeated seizures without return to consciousness:
1- O2 maintain SpO2 > 90%
2- BGL
3- > 5 minutes midazolam 10 mg IN/ IM [5mg/ml]
- if midazolam unavailable or continues an additional 2 min:
- IV diazepam5 mg SIVP may repeat x 1 if seizure continues for 2 minutes. If continues for > 5 minutes, contact med control
- If diazepam is not available, lorazepam 2 mg IV should be used OR midazolam 2 mg IV as initial dose
SO: Stroke (include LAPSS criteria & CSTAT criteria)
CVA suspected:
- minimal scene time
- BGL, IV, cardiac monitor
- time of onset & last seen normal
- Stroke Alert: LAPSS Positive
- age > 45
- no hx seizures
- ambulatory
-BGL- 60-400 mg/dl
+ unilateral deficits
CSS: positive
- equal grip
- facial droop
-arm drift
- speech
- preferential gaze- 2 pts
- arm weakness- 1 pt
- mental status- 1 pt
- Answer: age AND month
- Follow commands- open eyes AND make
a fist
SO: Bronchospasm
1- O2- SpO2 & EtCO2
2- Nebulizer (may repeat x 2)
a- albuterol 5 mg
b- ipratropium bromide 0.5 mg
3- Consider potential presence of CHF/ PE > CPAP
4- No response:
a- epi [1:1000] 0.3 mg IM
b- MgSO4-2 gm/ 100 ml NS over 10 min.
c- epi 1 mcg/ min (mix 1 mg/ 1 L NS) [ 1mcg/ml]
4- permissive hypocapnea increase I:E ratio
SO: CPA in renal dialysis patients
Patients who have not received dialysis as prescribed are likely to be in fluid overload and potentially hyperkalemic. Patients with recent dialysis are likely to be hypotensive. However, utilize SO regardless.
In addition to ACLS guidelines:
1- Ca gluconate 1 gm (10 ml) IV/ IO
2- FLUSH COMPLETELY or 2nd line
3- NaHCO3- 1 mEq/kg IV/ IO
4- Repeat if no change