Standing Agreements Flashcards
Sector 5 to Sector 23 via UL9, UP2
EGHI, EGHH, EGMH, LTMA and Farnborough Group inbounds
↓ FL270
Positioned South side of Cotswold CTA
Sector 23 to Sector 8 via UL9
EGHI, EGHH, LTMA and Farnborough Group airfield outbounds routing via MERLY
↑ FL260
Positioned North side of L9.
Sector 23 to Sector 8 via UN14
EGHI, EGHH, LTMA and Farnborough Group airfield outbounds
↑ FL260
Positioned on (U)N14.
Sector 23 to Sector 5 via UL18
EGHI, EGHH, LTMA and Farnborough Group airfield outbounds
↑ FL260
Positioned on (U)N14 or North side of L9.
Sector 35 to Sector 5 via UL18
↓ FL340
Positioned within UL18.
Sector 35 to Sector 8 via VATRY/SLANY/BANBA
EI** (excluding EINN and EIKY), EGAE, EGAA, EGAC, EGPH, EGPK, EGPF inbounds
↓ FL340
For UL9, traffic positioned on the North side.
Sector 35 to Sector 5 via UN864/UP16
EGNT, EGNV & EGNJ inbounds
↓ FL340
EGNT & EGNV: Between 2230 and 0430 local (NOKIN time), offered at cruise to Lakes.
Sector 35 to Sector 5 via UL9/UP2
EGSS & EGGW inbounds
↓ FL340
Positioned South side of UL9.
Sector 23 to TC
EGLL, EGKK or EGWU inbounds
FL140 level BEDEK
Wherever possible positioned on the South side of the Cotswold CTA.
EGKK traffic positioned south of EGLL/EGWU traffic.
Sector 23 to TC
Inbound to:
EGSS, EGGW and EGSC (FL140 - FL170)
EGSS, EGGW and EGSC (all turboprop aircraft)
FL140 level 10nm before KENET
Positioned on a heading on North side of L9 to intercept KENET - WCO track.
Not RFD.
Bristol & Cardiff departures to EGSS, EGGW or EGSC to follow LOREL2L and individually coordinated.
Sector 23 to TC
Inbound to EGSS, EGGW or EGSC (FL180+)
FL180 level BEDEK
Positioned on South side of Cotswold CTA. Not RFD.
Transferred to TC VATON
Sector 23 to TC
Inbound to EGHI, EGHH, Farnborough group
FL120 level 15nm before abeam CPT
Positioned on South side of L9.
Sector 23 to TC
EGMH inbounds
FL180 level KENET
Positioned South side of Cotswold CTA.
Transferred to TC CPT.
TC to Sector 23
Outbound from LTMA (except EGSS), EGHI, EGHH, Farnborough group
↑ FL130
Positioned on a heading towards North side of L9
RFC within TC SW airspace.
TC to Sector 23
Outbound from EGBB, EGBE, EGSS, EGSC
FL160 or above climbing to FL210
Position on North side of Cotswold CTA.
Sector 25 have details for these departures.
TC to Sector 23
Brize Group inbounds
↓ FL160
Positioned North side of L9.
Sector 5 to Sector 36
MTMA, EGNO & EGNH outbounds
PC Wallasey to Sector 5
MTMA, EGNO & EGNH outbounds
↑ FL190
RFT up to 45º
Sector 5 to PC Wallasey
↓ FL200 level by OKTEM
PC Wallasey shall ensure that traffic is FL190 or below by MONTY
Sector 5 to PC Wallasey
EGGP and EGNR inbounds
↓ FL200 level 10nm before OKTEM
PC Wallasey shall ensure that traffic is FL190 or below by MONTY
Sector 5 to PC Sector 29
EGNT, EGNV and EGNJ inbounds
FL280 level 25nm before NOKIN
At weekends, level by BERUL
EGNT & EGNV: Between 2230 and 0430 local (NOKIN time), offered at cruise to Lakes.
PC Sector 29 to Sector 5
EGNM and EGCN outbounds
↑ FL270 level by KARNO
Sector 23 to TC
Outbounds from Brize group and EGGD
FL180 level abeam KENET
Positioned South side of Cotswold CTA.
If on a heading, aircraft will be left on the heading until in TC Capital airspace.
Sector 25 to Sector 23
Inbounds to Severn Group (excluding EGFF, EGDX and EGFH)
FL220 level CPT
To leave CPT on a radar heading on or to North of L9 centreline.
Sector 25 to Sector 23
Inbounds EGFF, EGDX and EGFH
FL260 level CPT RFD
To leave CPT on a radar heading on or to North of L9 centreline.
PC Sector 29 to Sector 5
Inbound to EGGD and EGFF
FL270 level NOKIN
Sector 5 to PC Sector 29
Outbound from EGGD and EGFF
FL240 level 20nm before REXAM/NOKIN
Traffic RFL285+ not included.
Sector 6 to Sector 23
Inbound to EGBB
FL240 level EXMOR
Sector 36 to Sector 6
LTMA, Farnborough Group, EGBB and Jersey Group inbounds
↓ FL310
Sector 6 to Sector 20
LTMA inbounds
FL270 level GIBSO
Sector 6 to Sector 20
Farnborough Group inbounds
FL270 level 10nm before GIBSO
Sector 20 to Sector 6
LTMA and Farnborough group outbounds