Standards Flashcards
Deputy FL annotation
IP in RCP of a student/trainee /ac who is cleared to solo, but flying for weather or syllabus requirements
Required briefing items
filled-out lineup card, RM, and be prepared to brief weather, NOTAMs, AHAs, TFRs, FCIFs/PRF, current status, and EP of the Day.
Briefing Times
in place 5 mins prior
Sims +45
90/469 1+15 (1+20 2/4 ship, LL)
88 FTS 1+35
Step Time
35 min prior to takeoff
Duty Desk Call signs
90/469 - Ragtop (Prime/AUX)
88 - Lucky Devil Ops (Prime)
No flight plan on file
If clearance delivery report no flight plan on file, pilots may call transmit “Ragtop, C/S badger” to request ragtop resubmits flight plan to base ops.
Intra flight coms on Aux only utilize
position number
Formation Discrete Frequency
duty desk assigns discrete Aux frequency. This also determines A/A TACAN. Lead uses discrete Freq and wingmen use +63.
Frequency Changes
All changes assumed on prime unless stating aux. Push comms should be used to the max extent possible, unless lead determines a go comm should be used.
Check in response
Wingmen ack check-ins with position number they are flying
Push it up
Wingman always ack push it up calls
Sweep attis tells all members to listen to 1 cycle of attis then return back to same frequency or directed frequency.
Lead checks flight in afterwards.
Cleared Attis directs wingman to listen to attis using prime then return to previuos assigned freq. Wingman reports up on aux:
Wingman: C/S up (prime channel) with (attis identifier)
Lead: Go with (attis identifier)
Wingman: (runway) (altimeter) (xx.xx). Add any other important information that impacts recovery
Wingmen may toggle off guard for one minute using the g button without informing lead. UHF B/U should be set to guard prior to taxi.
Hot mic
solo students will select hit mic for all sorties