OG Sup Flashcards
Flashlight Use
Aircrew will use a flashlight when available to inspect the engine intakes on all sorties, day and night
Hands Clear
display hands clear anytime ground personnel are under the a/c
Adjacent Aircraft servicing
do not start or a park an a/c next to an a/c being actively refueled or serviced with oxygen.
Pilots may pre-flight a/c next o active servicing provided no electrical power is applied to a/c.
UPT Spares
After ground abort, maintenance will attempt to provide a spare a/c. Contact the duty desk with new tail number. A 30 min chock extension is automatically approved.
IFR Clearance
Contact Sheppard clearance delivery for IFR clearances or for a squawk for LL routes.
Unless otherwise assigned, squawk 47 plus last digits of block number.
If clearance delivery states clearance is not on file, or clearance does not match expected departure, contact duty desk.
If clearance is still not available when ready to taxi, call ground control for “taxi negative clearance”
While taxiing, contact clearance delivery.
Don not contact tower or tinder for takeoff until clearance has been received.
Ground taxi request
Before leaving the chocks, contact, ground control and request taxi.
Normally ground will auto taxi to Runway 15c/33c.
If runway 15r/33l is required, request it when calling for taxi.
If VFR pattern is empty or not in operation, ground may taxi to runway 15R/33L.
Primary Launch Runway
Launch from Tinder’s Runway
Solos will launch from RSU controlled runway.
All other sorites should launch from Tinder’s runway for pattern delays, pattern-only, or when TOLD precludes the use for the center runway.
In all other cases, t-38 may launch from tinder based on IP discretion.
Staggered taxi
A/c normally taxi staggered on Taxiways c, d, e, f, and g. Taxi on yellow line on ramp and on Taxiways k and l. Do not taxi staggered at night.
Taxi speeds
10 kts entering/exiting areas where jets are parked.
15 kts on ramp outside of parking rows.
25 kts on any sheppard afb taxiway.
Taxi to Runway 15C
taxiways k and l used for taxi to 15c.
Don not taxi underneath aircraft inside 1 mile final for Rwy 15R.
Taxi to Rwy 33C
Hold short of 33L at F. When tinder is controlling, monitor tinder and wait for clearance to cross.
When tower is controlling contact ground and let them know you are holding short of 33L at F.
Taxi ROE
Entering D yield to a/c established on taxiway unless directed otherwise by ground.
a/c taxing out have priority over a/c returning.
a/c exiting 33L on H have the right of way over a/c on K
Taxi Canopy Position
When dual, to the max exent possible, taxi with both canopies open or both closed. If both canopies are closed while taxing, CABIN PRESS must be in CABIN PRESS
Runway width
15c/33c is 300’ wide but only the center 150’ is used marked by the white side stripes.
Bump Check
accomplish bump checks with both canopies closed with engines in idle after cabin pressure seals have pressurized
EOR frequency switch
Auto switch to tinder/tower when entering EOR or when flight lead enters EOR
Runway Turnoff
15c/15r may exit at G if dry runway, at safe taxi speed with a rated pilot on board.
If landing hot side, clear to cold side past G. Do not request to clear to cold. Tinder may clear a/c to cross to cold side on full stop landings.
33l/33C will turn off at departure end of runway
After landing checks
after safe taxi speed aircrews may stich pitot heat off and safe the seat after iss set to solo.
All other checks will be done after clearing the runway.
Install pins before opening canopy.
solo students will stop after clearing runway to install pins
Pattern Fuel
arrive at radar or vfr pattern with specified fuel state.
Once established in pattern normal fuel recovery may be used.
VFR traffic Pattern
break direction west
crosswind heading 240
base leg heading 060
Std entry is from Pt B/C to funnel to 7 mile initial.
Additional entries form departure end Point A, or direct to initial form the north or south.
15R visual refernces
crosswind to highway 287 and wichita falls water tower
turn to outside downwind prior to water tower, abeam the trailer park and harley dealership.
fly just west of 4 red and white antennas, primarily used for night outside downwind reference.
Continue pat the prison and turn 90 to initial using silver bins on i44 as refernce.
Fly toward highway overpass just nort of bins.
overlfying the highway turn 45 to initial by ointing 1/2 nm to the north of the blue standpipe just beyond 3 mile intital.
15r 7/3 mile initial
abeam burkburenetts northern edge south of red river prior to i44 overpass
abeam roadside park on i44 west of initial
33L Visual Refernces
Fly north of PPG plant then 1 mile after turn downwind between water tower and trailer park to the MSU dome. Past E antenna turn 90 to initial directly over kelly blvd. Turn abeam the blue building in down town to 45 inital to sweage plant.
33L 7/3 mile inital
7- abeam road exiting to the east from the northern airfiled boundary of kickapoo
3-abeam sewage treatment plant west of inital
pattern entry squawk
0377 TA
primary Entry points
enter between 4000 and 3300
cross 7 mile at or above 3300 and be 2800 by 3 mile initial.
Clear for traffic from north and south.
Point B
15R entry point. 5 miles west of burkburnett where road bends from northeast to east. to the south of the bend are a few white tanks and a pond. 293/012 fix
Point C
Entry point for 33L. just si=outh of lake wichita where hwy 79 intersects slightly to the northeast. at his bed is a 5 way intersection. 188/011 fix
Point A
over Wichita valley airport located west of outside downwind.
entries will be winf level 1 mile prior to pt. cross pT A at 3500 on a 45* intercept to outside downwind. heading 015/15R 205/33L
after crossing Pt A descend to be wings level at 2800 1 mile prior to outside downwind.
Not authorized at night or greater than a 2 ship.
Center Runway Entry
only turn crosswind or closed when directed by rsu or tower.
When requesting entry into tinder’s pattern:
1-center closed approved
2-center turn crosswind
3-center maintain runway heading (maintain runway heading and climb to 2800 until approved to enter tinder)
4-if no response fly runway heading and attempt to contact tinder until 5 miles past the runway, climb 4000’. if no contact with tinder, contact arrival for radar service to pt a/b/c or a straight-in to the center runway.
Departure entry
can enter via closed or crosswind. if closed not approved auto turn to crosswind maintain 2300’ until clear of inside downwind ground track then climb to pattern altitude.
Initial / overhead break
break zone is first 300’ from approach end.
do not break if a/c is between 9 and 4 miles or if unable to follow last aircraft on inside downwind without proper spacing
Make a call at 7 mile and 3 mile. if unable to make call on time use actual distance to the threshold.
aircraft esstablished inside 7 mile have priority over 90 to inital or 45 to initial
to prevent improper reporting do not call in the break after half way through the break
if unable to break or told to carry straight through initial, report break point straight through, remain at 2800 and turn crosswind at the departure end.
inside downwind
normally flown at 220 kts prior to configuring
clear for inital.
with straight-in inside 4 miles, do not begin final turn unles straight-in is in sight and a normal final turn can be flown behind the straight in.
closed pattern
pulling closed on 15R cross the extended runway centerline of Rwy 18 at or above 2300’
normally request 2/3 down the runway.
-15R taxiway F
-33L southern edge of enjjpt ramp
do not reuest with straigh in between 9 and 4 miles or a/c between 3 mile intiial/inital and the break.
unless tinder tells you to stand by do not delay turning crosswind waiting for the approval.
request closed nlt rolling out on crosswind
Runway 18 departures
tinder will announce all 18 departures. if requesting close ack advisory call with tally at end of request.
if clsoed approved maintain 500’ serperation with departure traffic
if not in sight or not requesting closed, climb 28000 once past the tinder 2300 departure end restriction and turn crosswind after reaching 2800.
tinder will announce when departure traffic is no factor
go around offset
climb as required to 2300’.
if a/c on runway for takeoff or directed offset to the west ideally between the runway and taxiway D.
if possible retract the gear before offsetting.
add offset to radio calls.
not necessary to advise tinder of go around.
straight in that perceive a conflict with final turn a/c will give way.
restricted low approach
do not descend below 500’agl during a restricted low approach
if below 500 when directed for low approach try to get to 500’ before the threshold
high pattern
4500’ msl used for solo pattern only to decrease fuel prior to touch and go practice and for handling a/c malfunctions
normally enter high pattern after initial takeoff or straight through initial by turning crosswinf and climbing to 4500’. follow the vfr pattern ground track and report high initial
when ready to enter the pattern breakout to one of the entry points or coordinate for a straight in
pattern only
enter tinders pattern after takeoff.
Solo studnet swill enter high pattern until fewer than 2500 lbs of fuel.
Tinder may also direct solo studnet to breakpoint straight through if there is an aircraft malfunction occuring
Pattern delay
Enter pattern followed by local departure. Tinder must release you for departure.
Daytime pattern breakouts
climb 4000’ and turn to heading 240
contact sheppard arrival for sequencing to Pt a/b/c
maintain 240 until further advised by arrival
Pt A breakout to outside downwind
climb 40000’ and tunr left (15R) and turn right (33L) to a 240 heading and contact arrival
45 to initial
7 mile initial entries have priority over aircraft established in the patttern
a/c from 7 mile initial normally give way to a/c declaring min fuel on 45 to initial
Perch Point
do not extend perch unless directed.
if need breakout or perch and expect to go around and offset
once established in the final turn do not breakout, use go-around and offset procedures
Departure end breakout
when tinder directs breakout from 15R/33Lclimb 4000 runway heading.
after reaching 4000 tunr to 240 and contach arrival.
15c/33c climb runway heading to 4000’ and contact arrival. Do not turn to 240
after radar approach and unable to contact tinder continue attempting to contact until 5 miles past the departure end climb 4000’ and contact arrival
straight in breakout
continue at 2300’ and request closed or turn crosswind
Unable to cancel breakout
arrival vectors no closer than 8 dme. if unable to cancel, arrival will discontinue approach.
expect a runway heading climb to 5000’ followed by vectors for a n instrument approach or departure to the areas.
tinder advises of approaching transient a/c. don cross threshold until transient a/c clears the runway
with transient a/c between 5 miles and approach end of the runway do not begin final turn
tinder will advise that tower has access
during this time a/c in the rsu pattern will stay at or above 2800 msl and carry straight through initial or breakout no later than the perch
all straight in request will be denied
tinder has access returns control to tinder
falls pattern
radar vectors to 9 miles straight in 15c/33c
can be followed by ifr departure or area, or entry into vfr pattern or full stop
request falls pattern if vfr to center runway is desired either after initial takeoff or return from the areas
DME for the falls is based on the tacan SHP (45X)
falls weather mins
3 m visibility
restricted pattern
Falls after takeoff / RTB
local climbout contact arrival for vectors
follow rapcon’s descent altitudes and vectors for sequencing to final
Falls ground track
Normally vectors from a downwind west of sheppard to final. iff get vectors to final
once in vfr conditions, cancel and proceed with vfr straight in
atfer canceling, roll out on final for centerwunway by 9 dme
do not fly through any part of tinders pattern
Falls unable to cancel
normally vectors no closer than 8 dme. if unable to cancel runway heading to 5000 followed by vectors for instrument approach or departure to areas
Falls altitude
after canceling descend from last assigned altitude to 2300 ‘ by 9 no nlt 9 dme
if still ifr request descent to 2300’ approaching final
33C do not descend below 2800 until past kickapoo extended runway centerline unless cleared specifically by arrival
Falls airspeed
to assist in normal sequence maintain 300 kts on downwind and 250 on base leg and slow to configure after rolling out on final
if long vectors to final maintain 250 until 9 dme then slow to configure
slowdown as required on downwind during extended vectors for sequencing
Falls radio calls
arrival aftertakoff or rtb.
when told to contact tower report position, type landing, and intentions.
report configuration type landing and intentions at 5 miles
auto change to from tower on touch and go
falls ground reference
15c - 6.5 dme between silver grain storage and southern edge of burkburnett
33c-5.5 dme abeam the southern edge of the tank farm east of final
falls transition to tinder
tower may transition stright in to tinder
notification will be attempted prior to 9 mile final
if you accept the transition maneuver to appropriate ground track and contact tinder
straight in from outside downwind
15R-request abeam the prison and call 9 mile base at 90 to initial point. turn and start rollout 1nm north of the overpass heading 060
descend 2300’ and slow as required to no slower the final turn airspeed prior to rolling out on final
configure no later than 4 mile point.
abeam the grain bins call 4 miles gear down
add departures to calls if needed
Local climbout
at or below 2300 runway heading until departure end then 5000’
local departure
runway heading until 4000’ then follow stereo route
mikke, piece, speed
red river then proceed as depicted in ifg
for mikke - once at mikke using egi, use egi or sps vortac 236 radial ground track
red river departure
runway heading 4000 then depicted as in ifg
low level south departure
used for LL when weather is below 3000 and 3
area altimeter setting
29.92 nlt than entry into assinged area. if below 29.92 add 10’ per .01 of change to the moa floor
area boundries
work- pilots after completion of maneuver or as soon as practical turn in general direction specified
work immediately- cease mauver and turn in general direction given
Dundee and stover used for formation or basic instrument missions?
Bear and Bull
bear and bull are dsigned for 4 ship h2g splits
Devil a/b is limited to 2 ship. if going to use devil 4 ships must alos have reed subareas
if another flight is in the moA
MARSA must be established prior to entering the area
sperate squawks are required in the moa before flight split