Standard Toad Transport Operations Flashcards
What are the economic and social objectives?
Economic objectives
•Protection of customers
•Industrial stability and efficiency
•Protection of property and other infrastructure-structure
•Optimisation of infrastructure
Social objectives
•Strategic transport stability
•Road safety
•Protection of the environment
•Employment stability
What are Functions of a manager?
•Decision making
What are the barriers potential competitors need to overcome in order to enter the market?
•High initial investments
•Brand loyalty of customers
•Protected intellectual property like patents, licenses etc
•Scarcity of important resources
What are the components that the macro environment consists of?
1) Economic environment- The economic environment influences all the other environments and is in turn influenced by them. Key variables in the economic environment include: Wealth, purchasing power, inflation, unemployment
2) The social environment-Changes in the social environment includes: •Social attitudes
•Special values
•Life styles
• The family unit
3) The technological environment- Changes in the technology environment are largely the result of technological progress and innovation
4) The physical environment- The physical environment refers to natural resources and it includes the availability, conservation, improvement and utilisation of the limited resources available
5) The political environment- These political and legal forces may create challenges for organisations: •Deregulation
• Privatisation
• Discrimination against people with HIV/Aids
6) The institutional environment- Examples of institutions:
•The South African trade organisation(SATO)
•The South African chamber of Business
•The motor industries federation
•The chamber of Mines
7) The international environment(global environment)-Issues such as the following are at stake in the international environment:
• Every country has its own economy, laws, politics markets and competitive environment which makes it rather difficult for an organisation to enter foreign markets
What are the objectives of routing?
• Minimising total distance traveled
• Minimising the total duration of the routes
• Minimising the number of vehicles needed
•Maximising profit gained from the customers
What are Objectives of scheduling?
• To plan balanced and equitable shifts
• To reduce unproductive drive time
• To minimise empty running
What are the functions of scheduling?
• Carry out census
•Compile timetable
•Compile bus graph
•Compile shift graphs
What are the duties of a dispatcher?
• Coordination of bus drivers
•Communicating with bus drivers about service information such as traffic conditions schedule adjustments emergencies and other relevant information
•Dispatching bus drivers according to written schedules or as situations require
• Monitoring bus driver schedules and locations
Main functions of an inspector?
• Enusure that all revenue due to company is collected
•Ensure that buses operate according to schedule
• Ensure public relations are attained at a high level
•Ensure that company assets are properly used and not abused
An inspection must ensure that?
• Drivers are charging the correct fares as laid down in the appropriate fares and stages book
•Passengers are only travelling distance that they paid for
Breakdown and procedure
Read book page 38
What is the dispatching procedure before each vehicle leaves?
• Vehicle fuel checked
•Vehicle daily check complete
• All load documents correct
• Tachograph charts in place
What is the debriefing procedure when vehicles return?
• Drivers reports -properly completed
• Tachograph charts- complete/ok
• Load documents - complete
• Vehicle conditions reported
General operating rules and procedures?
Read book page 42
Vehicle hijacking’s
Read book page 57
Marshalling, parking an loading yards
Read book page 58
What are areas of loss control?
• Security in cash
• Security in passenger operations
•Security in contractual relationships
•managerial security
What are the basic principles of security management?
• Assets to be secured in any security planning must be indentified
Trip preparation
Read page 61
During route planning what should be addressed?
• Where is the destination
• Is there more than one drop off point in this trip
• Are there safe stopping facilities en route
• Is this a new unknown route
Nature of the load?
• What is being transported
• Is it a regular known load
What are the Most common types of immobilisers?
• Steering locks
• air brake immobiliser
• kingpin locks
• wheel clamps
The driver and crews behaviours can help prevent crimes what guideline should be followed?
• Lock the vehicle and its load whenever it is left unattended
• keep windows closed when away from the vehicle
• Lock the doors while sleeping in the cab
• Lock the fuel cap when putting it back
Security related incidents?
• Do not resist the perpetrators
• After the incident inform police and the company manager as soon as possible
•if a passenger causes trouble he/she may be asked to leave