Standard draft system operation Flashcards
38°F is the standard temperature of draft systems.
To avoid
dispensing problems, all kegs should be kept at 38°F or lower while being served. In fact, to ensure freshness, the beer should be kept at 38°F throughout the entire distribution process (from the brewery to the glass). Kegs that are too warm are the biggest cause of issues at the tap; even a couple degrees too high and it will pour excessively foamy.
Kegs should be put in the freezer for 24 hours to chill prior to serving.
t takes a surprisingly long time to chill a keg to 38°F because their thermal mass is substantial. For instance, if you receive the keg at
your bar and it is 50°F, it will take 25 hours in the cooler to chill down to 38°F. Even just getting from 40°F to 38°F takes 7 hours.