Serving Draft Beer Flashcards
Hold the glass at a
45-degree angle one inch below the faucet. Never let the faucet touch the glass or the beer in the glass as it fills.
Grab the tap handle near the base and fully
open the tap. If you only open the tap part way you’ll get a poor quality pour due to turbulent flow, the result of which will be excessive foaming and beer waste.
Pour down the side of the glass until
it is half full
Once the glass is half full,
tilt it upright and pour down the middle to
create the 1-inch collar of foam (or 2-4 inches for a Belgian or weizen).
Why do brewers and beer lovers prefer their beer have a 1-inch collar of foam?
A proper head delivers great aroma!
Volatile aromatics are
released by the bubbles in the head
The head has great
visual appeal
The palate cleansing effect of carbonation is
enhanced by a foamy head
Bars sometimes struggle with customers who think they are getting ripped off if their beer has foam
and demand their beer be filled to the rim.
if the customer requests that the glass be filled to the top,
the bartender should honor that request
For an outgoing and friendly bartender, this is an opportunity to educate the customer if they are open to it
and the bartender has the time and personality to chat about it in a way that is fun and doesn’t come off as snobby.
An important point is that good glassware is designed to hold the entire pour,
plus leave an inch for head at the top of the glass. This may not be clear to a customer unless there’s a “fill line” marked on the side of the glass.
Close the faucet as
the foam reaches the top of the glass.This prevents waste.
Do not pour foam or beer off
of the side of the glass
Foam is 25%
Filling to the rim with beer is over pouring and robs the drinker of a
great sensory experience
Never let the tap faucet touch the glass
or the beer!
Don’t touch the glass to the faucet:
it can cause your glassware to
break and transfers microorganisms feeding on dried beer on the
faucet into the customer’s glass. It is cross-contamination.
Don’t dunk the faucet in the beer:
aucets dipped in beer become an
excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that will contaminate
the customer’s beer and can also contaminate the entire draft system.