Staining Flashcards
as a 0.01% alcoholic solution. can be used as an alternativeto basic fuchsin in Schiff’s reagent, for the Feulgen technique of acid hydrolysis.
is the most commonlv used fluorochrome to demonstrate
Acriflavine, DNA and RNA in fresh or tixed tissues, combining with nucleIc acids in cells by salt linkages and cohesion. DNA emits a yellow-green fluorescence while RNA is stained brick to orange-red This is used for screening of cervical smears for cancer cells.
Acridine Orange
conjugates absorb maximally in green light, exhibiting an orange-red emission
Fluorochromes are fluorescent dyes which emit light or visible radiation energy when excited by light of shorter wave length, either visible or ultraviolet.
Fluorescent Staining for DNA and RNA
differential staining reaction respectively.
Methyl Green-Pyronin
method for RNA and DNA
is a staining technique used to identify chromosomal material
DNA Methyl Green-Pyronin
or DNA in cell specimens.
Feulgen Staining for Nuclear DNA
a stain that colors fat droplets black and is the most sensitive of the oil soluble dyes.
Sudan Black
It is recommended for staining triglycerides (neutral lipids). giving them a deep and intense red stain.
Sudan IV (Scharlach R)
fat stain for central nervous system tissues. giving a less deer and lighter orange stain compared to the darker staining Sudan IV
Sudan III
causes blood cells to exhibit four major staining properties that allow the cell.
Wright Stain
is used with osmic acid to fix and stain blood and glandular tissues.
Rhodamine B
has sometimes been used for staining erythrocytes is weakly basic dye used as a contrast stain for staining ascaris eggs and erythrocytes, and as a bacterial spore stain; it is also used both as a decolorizerand as a counterstain
Malachite Green
is used as a chromatin stain for fresh materials in smear
Carmine stains
is used as a contrast stain for Gram’s techniaue. in acid fast and Papanicolau method, and for staining diphtheria organisms
Bismarck Brown
one of the most valuable stains used for ditterentially staining connective tissues and cvtoplasm
It Is commonly used as a background stain because it gives a pleasing and colortul contrast to nuclear stains