Stage Four: Overcoming Gross Distraction Flashcards
What is the goal of stage four?
To overcome gross destruction and strong dullness. You should form the intention for introspective awareness to become continuous and notice and immediately correct gross distractions.
What is the difference between subtle and gross distraction?
A subtle distraction exists in peripheral awareness but your attention remains focused on the breath. A gross distraction takes your attention away from the meditation object.
How do you overcome gross distraction at stage four?
First, you recognize when a gross distraction is present, let go of the distraction, and rengage with the breath. Second, you recognize when a subtle distract has the potential to become a gross distraction. You then reengage with the breath more completely.
What does continuous introspective awareness feel like?
You stand a bit back from your meditation object—just enough to keep the breath at the center of your attention while you take in everything else happening in your mind.
What should you do when you find your mind in a gross distraction?
Return to the breath in a gentle, unhurried, and loving way. Appreciate the part of the mind that realizes that you have wandered off track. Affirm your success.
What are three common kinds of subtle distraction at stage four?
- Pain and physical discomfort.
- Interesting, attractive, and seemingly important insights.
- Emotionally charged memories, thoughts, and visionary experiences.
How do you deal with pain at stage four?
You must now examine pain note thoroughly and wait even longer before moving. Investigate the qualities of pain. Notice if it feels solid, fluctuating, dull, aching, composite, unified, etc. Is it changing or staying the same? Pain will often resolve itself but don’t expect this. If it doesn’t go away, stay with the meditation object anyway.
How do you deal with the problem of discursive brilliance and deep insights?
Make a note to think about it later, label the thought neutrally, and return to the breath.
What should you do when you can’t disregard a powerful distraction?
Intentionally make it your new meditation object until you can return to the breath.
How should you deal with strong emotions?
Acknowledge, allow, and accept. Feel the physical sensations of emotions and try to remain objective, and examine them carefully like other gross distractions.
How should you phrase verbalizations in stage four?
Make them passive: “anger is arising” instead of “I am angry.” This reinforces the attitude of no self.
Should you focus intensely on the breath at stage four?
No. If you focus too intensely, you lose introspective awareness, which makes you more vulnerable to distractions. Make your attention focused on your meditation object, but in a relaxed and gentle way.
What is connecting?
Comparing the different parts of your breath cycle with the corresponding parts of the previous breath cycle. Is the current in/breath and out-breath longer or shorter when compared to the previous breath? Has the length of the pauses changed? Do the in-breath, out-breath, or pauses change when there’s more or less subtle distraction or more or less fullness?
How do you reduce strong dullness?
- Recognize its presence and rouse the mind with an appropriate antidote.
- Rely on introspective awareness to notice when the dullness returns. Preemptively apply the antidote.
- Repeat these steps until the dullness doesn’t come back at all.
What are some a antidotes to strong dullness?
- Take a few deep breaths and exhale forcibly through your mouth, creating resistance.
- Clench your muscles for a few seconds and then releasing them.
- Suck in your got while tightening and releasing the perineum.
- Enlarge the area of your peripheral awareness to include all sensations.
When have you mastered stage four?
When you’re free from gross distractions and strong dullness. Sensations and dullness still arise but they don’t lead to distraction and dullness doesn’t cause your perceptions to grow dim.