Stage 6: Families Launching Young adults Flashcards
What is the period in which Stage 6: Families Launching Young adults takes place?
When oldest child leaves family until the youngest leaves home
Name the 4 developmental tasks in Stage 6: Families Launching Young Adults
a. Preparing teen for independent living through schooling and job skills
b. Accepting youth’s independence
c. Releasing young adults and accepting new ways of relating to them
d. Maintaining a supportive home base
What is the emotional process of transition in Stage 6: Families Launching Young Adults?
Accepting exits from and entries into the family
What are the 3 second order changes in Stage 6: Families Launching Young Adults?
a. Releasing young adult children into work, college, marriage
b. Development of adult-to-adult relationships between grown-up children and their parents
c. Maintaining a supportive home base
What are the issues and challenges in Stage 6: Families Launching Young Adults?
• Rebuilding marriage by renegotiation of marital system as a dyad: may face a crisis of their own as they experience their own aging process and changes in their relationship with each other
• Accepting youth’s independence: They can no longer deny that they are getting older since they now have adult children.
• Releasing young adults and accepting new ways of relating to them/Adjusting to “empty nest”: requires that parents replace their traditional focus on their children. Some people pressure their children to produce grandchildren, while others find new hobbies or employment. Some do all three.
• Maintaining a supportive home base: On the other hand, difficulty finding work or getting into postsecondary education means that many young people delay leaving home, which also can be stressful. The move to independence is compromised by their continued reliance on parents.
In some cases, they will be struggling with starting their own families. If they left home early, or had children early, this struggle can be stressful. (Maintaining a supportive home base)