Stage 19 Flashcards
CLC Stage 19 Vocabulary and Grammatical Paradigms
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctum
- to live
- to be alive, to survive
- to reside in
scrīptor, scrīptōris, m.
- writer, author
2. scribe
tragoedia, tragoediae, f.
- tragedy
tībīcen, tībīcinis, m.
- piper, flautist
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum
- I love.
- I am fond of, like.
- I am under obligation to; I am obliged to.
- (with infinitive) To enjoy, be accustomed.
expellō, expellere, expulī, expulsum
- I drive or thrust out or away; expel, eject, banish; dislodge.
- (figuratively) I force or drive out or away, expel, remove.
fēstus, fēsta, fēstum
- Of or pertaining to holidays; festive, festal, joyful, merry.
cōnfectus, cōnfecta, cōnfectum
- prepared, accomplished, executed, having been accomplished
- produced, caused, brought about, having been caused
- finished, completed, having been finished
- brought together, collected, having been collected
- celebrated, having been celebrated
- (philosophy) shown, demonstrated, having been shown
- (figuratively) diminished, lessened; destroyed, killed; worn out, exhausted; having been killed
vēr, vēris, n.
- spring (season)
assiduē, assiduius, assiduissimē
- continually, constantly, incessantly
castīgō, castīgāre, castīgāvī, castīgātum
- I castigate, chastise, reprove
- I rebuke, reprimand
- I correct, amend
- whence, where from
- thence (from that place)
2. there (on that side)
sānē, sānius, sānissimē
- obviously*
1. soundly, healthily, well
2. soberly, sensibly, reasonably, discreetly
3. (by extension) truly, certainly, right, really; quite, very
cōmiter, cōmius, cōmissimē
- courteously, readily
avidus, avida, avidum
- Greedy, avaricious, covetous.
- Eager, desiring, desirous; lustful, passionate.
- (for food) Eager, hungry, voracious, gluttonous; insatiable.
- (of space) Vast, wide, large.
pompa, pompae, f.
- procession
2. pomp
canistrum, canistrī, n.
- wicker basket (used in sacrifices)
spargō, spargere, sparsī, sparsum
- I scatter, strew, sprinkle
tubicen, tubicinis, m.
- trumpet player, trumpeter
carmen, carminis, n.
- song
- poem
- play
- charm
dulcis, dulcis, dulce
- (of taste) sweet
- sweet-smelling, sweet-scented, fragrant
- sweet-sounding, melodic, melodious, tuneful
īnflō, īnflāre, īnflāvī, īnflātum
- I inflate; I blow into.
- I play a wind instrument.
- (figuratively) I puff up, swell; I am proud, haughty.
- distinctly, intelligibly, clearly
- wholly, quite, thoroughly
- (in answering) certainly, absolutely, by all reason, beyond a doubt
rosa, rosae, f.
- a rose
2. (transferred sense, endearment) dear, rose, sweetheart, love; a word of endearment
- seldom, rarely
sonitus, sonitūs, m.
- sound
raucus, rauca, raucum
- hoarse
- harsh, rough, grating, husky (sound)
- raucous
vōx, vōcis, f.
- voice
- accent
- speech, remark
vīlis, vīlis, vīle
- cheap, inexpensive
2. base, vile, mean, worthless, cheap
trūdō, trūdere, trūsī, trūsum
- I thrust, push or shove
calcō, calcāre, calcāvī, calcātum
- I trample, tread on
- I walk upon, cross on foot.
- (figuratively) I oppress.
- (figuratively) I scorn, contemn, despise.
noceō, nocēre, nocuī, nocitum
- I injure, do harm, hurt (+ Dat)
premō, premere, pressī, pressum
- I press, push
2. I pursue
puppis, puppis, f.
- stern, poop of a ship
- (by extension) a ship
- (figuratively) backside of a person
corōna, corōnae, f.
- A garland, chaplet or wreath; presented to athletes, the gods, or the dead.
- A crown.
mālus, mālī, m.
- a mast of a ship
- a standard or pole to which the awnings spread over the theater were attached
- the beam in the middle of a winepress
- the corner beams of a tower
pendeō, pendēre, pepemdī
- I hang (down), I am suspended; hover, overhang, float.
- I hang about, loiter, tarry, linger.
- I hang down; I am weak or without strength; sag, droop.
pontifex, pontificis, m.
- a high priest, State minister in ancient Rome
2. a pontiff or bishop of the early Christian church, now specifically the Pope
prex, precis, f.
- prayer
2. entreaty
adhibeō, adhibēre, adhibuī, adhibitum
- I extend, hold out, offer.
- I apply, employ, adopt.
- I summon, call upon, invite.
- I handle.
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum
- I throw, hurl, cast, fling; throw away.
- I lay, set, establish, build, found, construct, erect.
- I send forth, emit; bring forth, produce.
- I scatter, sow, throw.
- (as a shadow) I project.
- (figuratively) I throw out in speaking, let fall, utter,mention, declare.
rudēns, rudentis, m.
- A rope, cable, line, cord.
- A halyard, stay, sheet.
- (in the plural) The rigging, cordage.
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtum
- I loosen, untie, cast off, undo, free up
2. I solve
ventus, ventī, m.
- a wind
secundus, secunda, secundum
- next, following
- second
- secondary
- subordinate
- (nautical) favourable, fair (of weather, seas)
altum, altī, n.
- the deep, the sea
impellō, impellere, impulī, impulsum
- I push, drive or strike against something; assail.
- I drive or push forward, set in motion, urge on, impel.
- (figuratively) I impel, incite, urge, instigate, stimulate,persuade.
- (figuratively) I overthrow, subdue, rout, destroy,vanquish.
auris, auris, f.
- an ear
impleō, implēre, implēvī, implētum
- I fill up, fill full; cover.
- I satisfy, satiate.
- I make fat or fleshy, fill, fatten.
- I make pregnant, impregnate.
- I amount or fill up to.
- I fill up, take up.
- (figuratively) I complete, finish, end.
- (figuratively) I fulfill, execute, satisfy.
solūtus, solūta, solūtum
- unbound, released, united, cast off
2. free, at large
placidus, placida, placidum
- Placid, gentle, quiet, still, calm, mild, peaceful.
- (of fruits) Ripe, mellow.
- (of plants) Not wild, fruitful, suitable for cultivation.
reportō, reportāre, reportāvī, reportātum
- I carry or bring back
2. I report
ērubēscō, ērubēscere, ērubuī (no passive)
- I redden
2. I blush (with shame)
haedus, haedī, m.
- young goat, kid
astrologus, astrologī, m.
- astrologer
2. astronomer
commōtus, commōta, commōtum
- woken
- provoked, agitated
- disturbed, alarmed, excited
praedium, praediī, n.
- farm
- estate
- manor
immemor, immemoris
- forgetful
2. heedless
ariēs, arietis, m.
- ram
- battering ram
- beam, prop
offendō, offendere, offendī, offensum
- I hit, thrust, strike.
- I meet, encounter (someone).
- (figuratively) I suffer damage, receive an injury.
- I fail, am unfortunate.
- I find fault, take offence.
- I stumble, blunder, commit offence.
- I shock, vex, offend, mortify
persuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī, persuāsum
- (with dative) I persuade, convince.
2. I prevail upon, persuade or induce to do something.
amulētum, amulētī, n.
- an amulet
chaldaeus, chaldaea, chaldaeum
- Chaldean, of or pertaining to theChaldean/Assyrian/Syriac people.
- (substantive) A Chaldean (person)
Nīlus, Nīlī, m.
- Nile (river)
- softly, gently
collēctus, collēcta, collēctum
- assembled, gathered, having been gathered, collected, having been collected
aethiopus, aethiopa, aethiopum
- Ethiopian, of or pertaining to the Ethiopian people.
2. (substantive) An Ethiopian (person)
omnia, omnium, n. (pl, 2D)
- all things, everything
scapha, scaphae, f.
- a small or light boat, a punt, a skiff
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus
- To cut, to hew, to fell.
- To strike, to beat.
- To kill.
rīpa, rīpae, f.
- bank (of a river)
2. shore (of the sea)
dēligātus, dēligāta, dēligātum
- bound up, having been bound up, tied together, having been tied together, tied up, moored
- bandaged, having been bandaged
palūs, palūdis, f.
- swamp, marsh, morass, bog, fen, pool
crocodīlus, crocodīlī, m.
- a crocodile
līmōsus, līmōsa, līmōsum
- miry, muddy, marshy, slimy
fīēbat (imperfect)
- became
harundō, harundinis, f.
- reed
- fishing rod
- shaft of an arrow
iniciō, inicere, iniēcī, iniectum
- I throw, cast, hurl or place in, on, into, upon, over orat.
- I take hold of, lay my hands upon.
- I seize, take possession of.
- I inspire, infuse, cause.
- I dwell or reflect upon.
- I suggest, mention.
praeceps, praecipitis, adj.
- head first, headlong
- steep, precipitous
- (figuratively) hasty, rash, precipitate
fortitūdō, fortitūdinis, f.
- strength, force
- fortitude, resolve
- bravery, courage, valor
perītia, perītiae, f.
- experience; practical knowledge (gained by experience); expertise, skill
hippopotamus, hippopotamī, m.
- a hippopotamus
ēvertō, ēvertere, ēvertī, ēversum
- I turn upside down, overturn, reverse.
- (rare) I upset, disturb, agitate, roil.
- I throw down, cause to fall.
- I destroy, ruin, subvert.
- I drive out, expel.
- (by extension, of political structures and institutions) I overthrow, overturn, upset.
dēpellō, dēpellere, dēpulī, dēpulsum
- I drive out or away; remove, expel, repel.
- I drive, thrust or cast down.
- (military) I drive or push away or dislodge an enemy from his position.
- I thrust out or remove from a situation, avert.
- I deter, divert, dissuade from.
- I remove from the breast, wean.
“ā servō suō”
“by his own slave”
cārus, cāra, cārum
- dear, beloved
cōgitō, cōgitāre, cōgitāvī, cōgitātum
- I think.
2. I consider, ponder.
comparō, comparāre, comparāvī, comparātum
- I compare, match, place together, couple,prepare.
cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectum
- I prepare, accomplish, complete, execute;settle, close a bargain; traverse.
- I produce, cause, bring about, effect.
- I finish, end, spend, pass, complete.
- I procure, bring together, collect, produce, prepare.
- I perform, celebrate.
- (philosophy) I show, deduce, demonstrate.
- (figuratively) I diminish, lessen; destroy,kill, wear out, consume, exhaust, break up.
cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī, cūrātum
- I arrange, see to, attend to, take care of.
- I heal, cure.
- I govern, command.
- I undertake, procure.
fluō, fluere, fluxī, fluxum
- I flow, stream, pour.
2. I am soaked in.
fōrte (not comparable)
- by chance, accidentally
- once, once upon a time
- perhaps, perchance, as luck would have it
nōscō, nōscere, nōvī, nōtum
- I know, recognize, am acquainted with, i.e.; in possession of knowledge.
perīculum, perīculī, n.
- A trial, experiment, attempt, proof; essay.
- A risk, hazard, danger, peril; ruin,destruction.
- (law) A trial, action, suit; writ of judgment or judgement, sentence.
- A (attack of) sickness.
plūrimus, plūrima, plūrimum
- most, very much
plūrimī, plūrimae, plūrima
- very many
poscō, poscere, poposcī (no supine)
- I beg, I demand, I request, I desire.
umerus, umerī, m.
- the humerus bone
- shoulder (especially of a human)
- back, ridge, such as of a mountain
vix (not comparable)
- with difficulty, with much ado
2. scarcely, barely, hardly