Stage 18 Flashcards
audeō, audēre, ausus sum. (semi-deponent)
- I dare, venture, risk
2. (poetic) I am eager for battle.
caput, capitis, n.
- head
cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstitī, cōnstitum
- I stop, stand, halt
- I pause, linger
- I harden, stand firm
- I agree with.
- I continue.
- I exist.
dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātum
- I show, demonstrate, prove.
- I point out.
- I draw attention to.
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum
- I leave, depart.
fōrtasse (not comparable)
- perhaps, possibly
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractum
- I break, shatter
2. I vanquish, defeat utterly
ibī (not comparable)
- there (adv)
libenter, libentius, libentissimē
- willingly, eagerly
- gladly, cheerfully
- with gusto
manus, manūs, f.
- hand
- (figuratively) bravery, valor
- (figuratively) violence, fighting
- handwriting
- a side, part, faction
- a stake (in dice)
- a thrust with a sword
mīles, mīlitis, m.
- soldier
nam (conj.)
- for
- thus
- because
- actually
- regarding to
nox, noctis, f.
- night (period of time)
- Nox pars obscura diei est.
- The night is a dim part of the day.
- darkness
- A dream
- (figuratively) confusion
- (figuratively) ignorance
- (figuratively) death
nēmō, m.f.
- no one, nobody, no man (pronoun)
obstō, obstāre, obstitī, obstātum
- I stand before, in the way of.
2. I thwart, hinder, obstruct, block
pars, partis, f.
- part, piece
- some
- faction
- part (theatre)
- function, duty
- fate, lot
petō, petere, petīvī, petītum
- I make for (somewhere).
- I seek, aim at, desire.
- I beg, beseech.
- I attack.
posteā (not comparable)
- afterwards, hereafter, thereafter
2. next, then
postrēmo (not comparable)
- at last, finally
quō (adv.)
- where
recūsō, recūsāre, recūsāvī, recūsātum
- I refuse, decline.
- I object to, reject.
- (law) I protest, object.
saeviō, saevīre, saeviī, saevītum (no passive)
- I rage, vent anger; I am furious.
2. (of wind or waves) I thrash about, move violently
omittō, omittere, omīsī, omissum
- I let go, drop, let fall or let loose
- I lay aside, give up, neglect or disregard
- I omit (in speech)
vitrum, vitrī, n.
- glass
- a woad; a plant used for dying blue
- woad; a blue dye used by the Britons made from that plant
alexandrinus, alexandrina, alexandrinum
- Alexandrian
situs, sitūs, m.
- The manner of lying; the situation, position or site of something.
- A quarter of the world, region.
- Rust, mould, mustiness, dust, dirt; soil.
- Filthiness of the body.
- (Late Latin) description
- (figuratively) Neglect, idleness, absence of use.
- (figuratively, of the mind) A rusting, moulding or wasting away, dullness, inactivity.
lucrum, lucrī, n.
- profit, advantage
2. love of gain, avarice
dubitō, dubitāre, dubitāvī, dubitātum
- I waver (in opinion), am uncertain, doubt, question, am in doubt.
- I waver (in coming to a decision), hesitate, delay.
- I reflect upon, ponder, consider, deliberate.
operae, pl. f.
- hired thugs
extorqueō, extorquēre, extorsī, extortum
- I extort.
2. I tear away, twist away, wrench out.
vīs, vīs, f. (3D)
- force, power
2. violence
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum
- I hold, have; grasp.
- I possess, occupy, control, own.
- I watch, guard, maintain, defend; retain, keep.
- I reach, attain; gain, acquire, obtain.
- I hold fast, restrain, detain, check, control; bind, fetter.
- (reflexive) I keep back, remain, stay, hold position.
- I know, grasp, understand, conceive.
- I recollect, retain knowledge of, remember, bear in mind.
- I insist, uphold.
- (of laws) I am binding on; bind, hold, obligate.
- I comprise, contain, include, hold.
dīripiō, dīripere, dīripuī, dīreptum
- I tear apart; I tear to pieces.
- I lay waste.
- I loot, ransack; steal; rob.
- I whip out (a sword).
- I run after; I compete for the company of.
īnfirmus, īnfirma, īnfirmum
- weak, feeble
aureus, aurea, aureum
- Made of gold, golden; gilded.
- Of the color of gold, gold-colored; shining or glittering like gold.
- (figuratively) Golden, beautiful, splendid, magnificent, excellent.
- (substantive) A gold coin equivalent to 25 denarii, aureus.
sufficiō, sufficere, suffēcī, suffectum
- I put under or among.
- I dip, dye, steep, impregnate, tinge, imbue.
- I appoint to a vacancy, choose as a substitute, employ in.
- I give, yield, afford, supply, furnish, provide.
- (of a building) I lay a foundation for.
- (intransitive) I am sufficient, am adequate, am capable, suffice, avail, satisfy.
officīna, officīnae, f.
- workshop, manufactory
2. a poultry house, henhouse
adeō (not comparable)
- so much, so greatly
adeō, adīre, adiī, aditum (irregular)
- I approach, go to.
- I attend (a performance).
- I undertake, undergo.
vītreus, vītrea, vītreum
- glassy, translucent
2. vitreous
valva, valvae, f.
- double or folding door (in plural)
2. one leaf of such doors
ēvulsus, ēvulsa, ēvulsum (perf. pass. part.)
- torn, pulled, plucked, or wrenched out or off
2. erased, eradicated
vīcīnus, vīcīna, vīcīnum
- neighboring, in the neighborhood, nearby
2. similar
nōmen, nōminis, n.
- name
- the middle name of a three-part freedman’s Latin name
- title
- noun
autem (conjunction)
- but
- while, however
- moreover, also
interrogō, interrogāre, interrogāvī, interrogātum
- (transitive) I ask, question, inquire, consult.
- (law, transitive) I examine, interrogate, question judicially
- (transitive, often with lege) I seek a legal action against, go to law with, arraign, indict, sue.
- (intransitive) I argue, reason (syllogistically).
praetereō, praeterīre, praeteriī, praeteritum
- I pass or go by
- I disregard, neglect, omit or miss
- I surpass or excel
sūdō, sūdāre, sūdāvī, sūdātum
- I sweat, perspire
tergeō, tergēre, tersī, tersum
- I rub, wipe, wipe off, clean, cleanse.
2. I polish, burnish.
capillus, capillī, m.
- hair; a single hair filament or the mass of hair growing from the head
admittō, admittere, admīsī, admissum
- I let in; I admit.
amīcus, amīca, amīcum
- friendly, amicable
2. welcome, pleasing
ōlla, ōllae, f.
- pot, jar, vase
ōrnātus, ōrnāta, ōrnātum
- furnished, equipped, having been furnished.
- adorned, decorated, having been adorned.
- (figuratively) honored, commended, having been praised.
praesidium, praesidiī, n.
- defense, protection, help, aid, assistance
2. guard, garrison, convoy, escort
paulus, paula, paulum
- little, small
“floccī nōn faciō”
“I don’t give a hoot about”
sēcūrus, sēcūra, sēcūrum
- careless, negligent
- unconcerned, untroubled, carefree
- fearless
- quiet, composed, serene
renovō, renovāre, renovāvī, renovātum
- I renew, restore or revive
condūcō, condūcere, condūxī, conductum
- (transitive) I lead, bring or draw together; assemble, collect.
- (transitive) I connect, join, unite; close up; coagulate.
- (transitive) I hire, rent, employ, take on lease, undertake; farm; bribe.
- (intransitive) I am conducive to, contribute to something by being useful, I am of use or profitable, serve.
reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectum
- I make over, make anew; remake, rebuild, reconstruct, restore, renew, repair, refit.
- I reappoint, re-elect.
- (of troops) I recruit, reinforce.
- (of income) I get back, get in return, make again.
- (of the body or mind) I make strong again, reinvigorate, refresh, recruit, restore.
ōrnāmentum, ōrnāmentī, n.
- equipment, apparatus, furniture
- decoration, ornament, embellishment
- jewel
invicem (not comparable)
- in or by turn(s); alternately
2. reciprocally, mutually
aequus, aequa, aequum
- equal
- level, even
- calm
- fair, impartial
ut (conjunction, followed by the indicative)
- as, just as
pius, pia, pium
- pious, devout
- dutiful, loyal
- good, blessed
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātum
- I speak to, accost, address; negotiate a matter with.
- I bring an accusation, accuse.
- I speak to someone to obtain something; ask, entreat, pray to, beseech, implore, plead.
- (religion, of gods or related objects) I reverence, honor, worship, adore.
- (in a non-religious sense) I admire, esteem highly, marvel at, reverence.
cōnsecrō, cōnsecrāre, cōnsecrāvī, cōnsecrātum
- To consecrate or dedicate
- To hallow or sanctify
- To deify
coniungō, coniungere, coniunxī, coniunctum
- I connect; I join or yoke together
- I marry or unite
- I juxtapose
- I associate, begin association (join)
sacer, sacra, sacrum
- Sacred, holy, dedicated to a divinity, consecrated, hallowed
- Devoted to a divinity for sacrifice, fated to destruction, forfeited, accursed.
- Divine, celestial.
- (only poetic and in post-Augustan (Silver Age Latin) prose) Execrable, detestable, horrible, infamous; criminal, impious, wicked, abominable, cursed.
mystērium, mystēriī, n.
- mystery (secret rite or worship)
2. secret
mulceō, mulcēre, mulsī, mulsum
- I stroke, graze, touch, pet, pat, or move lightly or gently.
- I make sweet or pleasant.
- (figuratively) I soothe, soften, appease; caress, charm, flatter, delight; alleviate, relieve, mitigate.
patera, paterae, f.
- A broad, flat dish or saucer, used especially for libations (fluid offering)
cōnfīdō, cōnfīdere, cōnfīsus sum (semi-deponent)
- I am confident or assured of, confide in, (+ Dat)believe, trust, place or put confidence in; rely upon.
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātum
- I clean, cleanse.
- I arrange, settle.
- I value, esteem, deem, regard.
- I judge, suspect, suppose.
- I think, ponder, consider.
vindex, vindicis, m.f.
- claimant, champion, defender, vindicator
poena, poenae, f.
- penalty
2. punishment
accurrō, accurrere, accucurrī, accursum
- I run or hasten (to help).
2. I charge or rush (to attack)
ēvellō, ēvellere, ēvellī, ēvulsum
- I tear, pull, wrench, or pluck off or out
2. I erase or eradicate
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractum
- I break, shatter
2. I vanquish, defeat utterly
incendō, incendere, incendī, incensum
- (transitive) I set on fire, burn, kindle.
- (transitive) I heat, make hot, scorch.
- (transitive) I light up with fire, make a fire upon.
- (transitive) I make bright or shining, light up, brighten; adorn.
- (transitive, figuratively) I set on fire, excite, rouse, incite; incense, irritate.
- (transitive, figuratively) I enhance, raise, intensify.
- (transitive, figuratively) I ruin, destroy, lay waste.
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitum
- I warn, advise.
2. I remind.
tranquillitās, tranquillitātis, f.
- quietness, calmness, stillness, tranquillity, serenity
scelestus, scelesta, scelestum
- wicked, villainous, abominable
- calamitous, unfortunate
- (substantive) a wicked person.
dēserō, dēserere, dēseruī, dēsertum
- I leave, depart, desert, quit
- I forsake, abandon, give up
- I let down
īnsiliō, īnsilīre, īnsiluī, īnsultum
- I leap upon or into
2. I bound
abiciō, abicere, abiēcī, abiectum
- I throw or hurl down or away, cast or push away or aside.
- I give up, abandon; expose; discard.
- I humble, degrade, reduce, lower, cast down.
- I overthrow, vanquish.
- I sell cheaply, undervalue; waste; degrade, belittle.
- (with se) I throw myself on the ground; throw myself away, degrade myself, give up in despair.
- (of weapons) I discharge, fling, hurl, cast, throw.
laedō, laedere, laesī, laesum
- I strike, hurt.
- I offend.
- I thwart.
- I betray.
taurus, taurī, m.
- a bull, steer
- an instrument of torture, in the shape of a bull
- a small bird that sounds like the lowing of oxen, possibly the bittern
- a kind of beetle
- (anatomy) the perineum
rādō, rādere, rāsī, rāsum
- I scrape, shave, scratch.
- I rub, smooth.
- I touch (upon), brush along, graze.
neque … neque (conjunction)
- neither … nor
quot (adj., indeclinable)
- how many
sōlus, sōla, sōlum
- alone, sole, only, by oneself with no others around
2. solitary, uninhabited