Staffing Decisions (ch. 6) Flashcards
False Positive
when we predict success but get failure
False Negative
when we predict failure but get success
True Negative
accurate prediction of poor performer
True Positive
accurate prediction of good performer
Cut Score
specified point of rejection of candidates; if increased there will be less false positive errors
Criterion-referenced Cut Scores
established by considering desired level of performance for a new hire and finding the test score that correlates with this level
Norm-referenced Cut Scores
based on index of average test scores rather than job performance
Comprehensive staffing model
seeks to gather enough high-quality information on candidates to predict likelihood of success
Clinical (Intuitive) Method of hiring decision
uses judgement to combine information and make decision
Statistical Method of hiring decision
combines information according to a mathematical formula
Compensatory System of combining scores
model in which a good score on one test can compensate for a lower score on another test
Hurdle System
non-compensatory strategy in which individual has no opportunity to compensate at a later stage for a low score in an earlier assessment
Multiple Hurdle System
strategy in which there are multiple hurdles so that a candidate who does not meet or exceed the minimum is excluded from further consideration
Adverse (Disparate) Treatment
type of discrimination in which employer actually treated employee differently from majority i.e. asking female candidate if she has any domestic responsibilities but not asking males
Adverse Impact
type of discrimination in which employer may not have intended to discriminate but a practice did have an adverse impact on minorities i.e. males promoted more than females
Staffing Decisions
associated with recruiting, selecting, promoting, and deselecting employees