Staff Management 2 Flashcards
Professional Conduct
The term “Professional conduct” refers to what ?
The expectations of the Commissioner and functional area Police deal with PC issues
Professional Conduct
Under s.13 of IPCA Act 1988, Police are required to notify the authority of what 4 things ?
- Incidents involving death or serious bodily harm
- Serious misconduct
- Neglect of Duty constituting a criminal offence
- Anything that puts “reputation of Police” at risk
Professional Conduct
If officer fears disclosure of an incident may expose him to harm, he/she may do what ?
- Make direct approach to PC Manager, HR Advisor, OR other trusted Supervisor
- District Commander / National Manager PPC shall take steps to support officer
- Dep. Commissioner - Operations kept appraised of approach and action taken
NOTE: If employee fears info will expose them to physical, psychological or vocational harm, they may approach Dist. Comm. or National Manager PPC directly.
Professional Conduct
If there’s any suspicion of Criminal Offending, misconduct, or neglect of duty - the Commissioner requires what to be done ?
- Report to District Commander, who shall then cause an investigation to be carried out
Professional Conduct
With regards to any “Integrity reporting”, can an off duty member report this behaviour ?
NO - must be an “On-Duty member” who submits report to their Supervisor. If any attempt made to evade the law enforcement process, Dist. Comm. shall set up investigation
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 12 - Functions of Authority
S.12, ss.1 outlines what the functions of the authority “shall be” - what are these ? (3 things)
(a) * To receive complaints
- alleging misconduct or neglect of duty by any Police employee, OR
- concerning any practice, policy, or procedure of Police affecting the person or body of persons making complaint
(b) * To investigate, where satisfied reasonable grounds in public interest, any incident involving death or serious bodily harm notified under s.13
(c) * take action in respect of complaint, incidents and other matters as contemplated by Act.
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 12 - Functions of Authority
S.12, ss.2 outlines “In the course of taking action” (about a complaint) Police may also do what in respect to any complaint - explain ? (Hint - Relates to investigation)
- Police may investigate any apparent misconduct, neglect of duty, Police practice, procedure which appears to relate to the complaint - but does not refer to the original complaint
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 12 - Functions of Authority
Under ss.3, Is the Authority authorised to investigate any matter (under ss.1) relating to terms and conditions of service of any Police employee ?
** NO **
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 13 - Duty of Commissioner to notify of Death or Serious Bodily Harm
Explain Section 13 and what must Police do when an incident occurs (timeframe / correspondence for IPCA) ?
Where Police employee acting in execution of duty causes, or appears to cause, death or serious bodily harm, Commissioner shall asap give written notice setting out particulars of incident as to how it was caused
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 13 - Duty of Commissioner to notify of Death or Serious Bodily Harm
Serious bodily injury includes any what ?
- Deep laceration
- Injury to internal organ
- Impairment of bodily function
- Blow to head causing severe concussion
- Injury resulting in hospitalisation as result of Police actions
*NOTE: Hospitalisation does NOT include dog bites where injury is not deep and subject only in hospital to clean out wound before being discharged
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 15 - Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of Complaints
What does s.15 stipulate, ss.1 and ss.2 ?
(1) Commissioner shall notify Authority of EVERY complaint received by Police, other than complaint notified to Commissioner by the Authority
(2) Notification must be “As Soon As Practicable”, BUT no later than 5 working days after receipt of complaint
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 20 - Duty of Commissioner to report to Authority on Police investigation of complaint.
What does s.20 stipulate, (under ss.1) in regards to timeframes and what action Police have taken on an investigation?
(1) Commissioner shall ASAP, but no later than 2 months after completing Police investigation report
(a) whether complaint upheld, AND if so, what action taken or is proposed to rectify matter;
(b) whether complaint been settled by conciliation
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 20 - Duty of Commissioner to report to Authority on Police investigation of complaint.
Under ss.2, when reporting to the authority the outcome, what shall the Police supply ?
- Accompanying sufficient material to allow Authority to assess adequacy of Police investigation
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
Section 20 - Duty of Commissioner to report to Authority on Police investigation of complaint.
Under ss.3, can Police consult with the Authority on an action proposal before reporting to them ?
Professional Conduct - IPCA Act 1988
What are the Key principles underpinning the Police complaints process ? (4 things)
- Ensure complaints are investigated in fair, timely and effective manner
- All reasonable steps are taken to investigate complaints and notifiable incidents
- Complaints and notifiable incidents are investigated with good practice, without bias or any conflict of interest
- Employees have right to be advised of any allegations against them and right to respond
IPCA Act 1988
Explain Category A investigations
Serious complaints where Authority “may” decide to conduct it’s own investigation
IPCA Act 1988
Explain Category B investigations
Serious or Significant matters where Authority will actively oversee Police investigation
IPCA Act 1988
Explain Category C investigations
Appropriate for case resolution and referred to Police for conciliation
IPCA Act 1988
Explain Category D investigations
Minor matters requiring no further action, however Police may assess behaviour and learnings where performance can improve
IPCA Act 1988
With regards to the Authority investigating a matter, what can they ask from “any person” ?
May require “any person” who is able to give information about a matter, to provide all information and assistance needed to carry out its functions.
IPCA Act 1988 - MOU with the Authority
In addition to the Statutory requirements under s.13 and s.15, the Commissioner may notify the Authority of any other matter involving what and how is it best considered or applied?
- Anything (ie: Criminal or Serious Misconduct) that puts “reputation of Police” at risk.
Apply common sense and consider if matter will cause loss of Trust and Confidence in NZ Police
Initial Action on receiving a complaint
If matter not a complaint, just expression of dissatisfaction, then what action is taken ?
Without delay, make every effort to resolve by way of explanation
Initial Action on receiving a complaint
If complaint is made orally, then what action is taken ?
Employee receiving complaint must summarise in writing, or get complainant to, and get complainant to sign as soon as practicable
Initial Action on receiving a complaint
If person calls at Police Station OR Community Policing Centre, then what action is taken ?
Record complaint in writing - MUST NOT ask them to call another day or deal with someone else
Initial Action on receiving a complaint
If employee who is subject of complaint is only person available at Station, then what action is taken ?
You must record complainant’s details and promptly submit report to District PC Manager, Dist. Commander or National Manager, who will arrange independent employee to take complaint
Initial Action on receiving a complaint
If complainant unable or reluctant to call at Police Station to make complaint, then what action is taken ?
Must advise complainant arrangements can be made for them to be interviewed elsewhere