Staff Bios Flashcards
When did LCDR Blanchard Enlist in the CG?
What OCS class did LCDR Blanchard graduate from?
2005, Class 01-05
What was LCDR Blanchard first unit as an enlisted person and what did he do?
CGC Mohawk (WMEC 913) home ported in Key west, engineering department.
When did LCDR Blanchard attend ‘A’ school?
DC A School in 1992
WHat was LCDR’s Blanchard first unit after A school?
USCGC Spencer (WMEC-905) home ported in Boston
Where was LCDR Blanchard stationed in 1995 after the Spencer
Station Barnegat Light in NJ
WHere was LCDR Blanchard in 1998 after Station Barnegat Light
USCGC Hudson (WLIC-801) home ported in Miami. He was enlisted at this time. He performed Indepentdent Duty as Construction deck supervisor and was advanced to first class in 1998.
Where did LCDR Blanchard go in 2000?
He received ordersto the NED in Seattle, WA where he was incharge of of ice breaking maintenance division.
When was LCDR Blanchard selected and graduated from OCS? And what was his first unit afterwards
In 2004 he was selected for OCS. He graduted in 2005. After OCS he went to NOLA and was assigned to the NED where he served as a port engineer for construction and river tenders.
WHere did LCDR Blanchard go in 2006 after the NED in New Orleans?
He was assigned to the CGC Midgett (WHEC-726) in Seattle, WA where he was a student engineer.
Where did LDCR Blanchard recieve orders in 2008 and what was his job?
In 2008, he recieved orders to the Polar Sea (WAGB-11) in Seattle where he performed duties as an Assistant Engineer Officer.
Where was LCDR Blanchard assigned in 2011?
Office of Naval Engineering as the Damage Control, Fuel, and Industrial Operations REsource Manager.
What was LCDR Blanchards last job before arriving at OCS?
Foreign Ministry Sales Coordinator and International Military Training Officer for the Office of International Acquisition Programs Officer (CG-922) at HQS.
WHere has LCDR Blanchard gotten technical degrees and certificates from?
University of North Carolina
Excelsior College
South Seattle College
Coastline Community College
When did LT Betts enlist in the CG?
2002 from OSCAR 163.
Where was LT Betts stationed as a non-rate?
Deck department on CGC SPencer, he deployed to the mediterranean in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and as a first responder for hurricane katrina.
How did LT Betts become a petty officer?
He struck as an FS (now called CS) and departed Spencer as an FS2 in 2006.
Where did LT Betts go after the Spencer?
From 2006-2008 he was assigned as the independent duty food services officer at Station Eastport, Maine where he was selected to become SPECIAL COMMAND AIDE (SCA)
Where was LT Betts an SCA?
Following training in Washington DC, he reported to the Ninth district in CLEVELAND, OHIO and served as the SCA to 3 flag officers.
When was LT Betts selected for OCS?
He was selected for OCS in 2013, graduating with OCS class 2-13.
Where was LT Betts first assignment as an officer?
He was assigned to Sector Long Island sound from 2013-2016, serving as the apprentice marine inspector, chief of port state control and waterways management divisions and public affairs officer.
Where did LT Betts go after Sector long island sound?
After he became a journeyman marine inspector, he was selected for a 1 year industry training program where he worked with corporations in the oil and gas industry.
Where did LT Betts go before coming to OCS?
He was assigned to the 8th district in NOLA where he served as the Operations officer for the outer continental shelf (OCS) Divison,managing OCS inspections operations for the gulf of mexico.
What are the abbreviated version of LT Betts career?
Enlisted (2002) in Oscar 163-> Spencer (struck FS and made FS2) -> (06-08) STA Eastport -> SCA in 9th district (cleveland) ->OCS in 2013 (2-13) ->Sector long island sound (apprentice marine inspector) -> 1 yr industry training on Oil and gas productions -> 8th district (NOLA) Operations OFficer for the Outer Continental Shelf division.
Whats the abbreviated version for LCDR Blanchards career
Enlisted (1991)-> Mohawk as nonrate->DC A SCHOOL -> USCGC SPencer -> Station Barnegat Light (NJ) -> USCG HUDSON (Independent duty) -> NED Seattle Washington -> 2004 OCS -> NED NOLA (Port engineer for construction and river tenders) -> MIDGETT (student enigeer)-> 2008 Polar Sea (Assistant EO) ->Office of naval engineering as Damage control, Fuel, and Industrial Operations REsource Manager -> CG-922 as Foreign Military Sales Coordinator and International Military training officer for International Acquisitions Programs Officer-> LDC DCO Assistant direct Commission Course Chief
KC Moran bio
OCS Admin Assistant
1983 Naval Construction Battalion Center in Port Hueneme, CA -> Began to work at CGA at 1990 -> 1998 Helped moved OCS from Yorktown to CGA -> Has been staff since ACademy’s first OCS class reported onboard in AUG98
MKC DUpre Career abreviated
Tracen Cape May Jun03 Bravo-165 (silent drill team and best shipmate) -> FN on 47’ Motor lifeboat engineer and EMT at STA Boothbay Habor, ME (2003-05) -> MK A School in 2005-> STA Castle Hill (OOD, AEPP, 41’ Small boat engineer) -> Main prop assist. On TYBEE (Woods Hole, MA)->CC in Cape May (2014-2017)-> Command chief and Assitant EO on Eagle (2017-2020).
- 2 Comms, 3 Achievements, 5 Good conducts.
LT FLowers career consolidated
1997 enlisted -> STA Annapolis -> YN A School-> Regional Exam Center Annapolis -> Sector Charleston -> CGC Rush (made first) -> ATC Mobile -> LANT Area 2009 -> OCS 2011 (1-12) -> Sector Baltimore (domestic vessel branch chief) -> Port State Control branch at sector Hono.
Ms Gunderman consolidated career
Enlisted in 2010-> CGC Katherin Walker (WLM) 2010-12 -> First district legal YN (12-14) -> ROCI Class 1-14 -> Facilities inspections supervisor -> 2017-2019 ADOS orders for OCS as instructor and assistant platoon.
-Currently has reservist jobof assistant Waterside Security division Officer in PSU 305.
-BS in Wildlife Biology, BS in Marine Affairs from URI
MS in Environmental Science from CUNY Staten Island
MA in Curriculum and instruction from UCONN
Doctoralcandidate at grand canyon university
LT Snyder, Chief, Academic Section
- CGA IN 2010 WITH BS IN Marine and Environmental Science.
- DWO on CGC Maple (Sitka)
- 2012 District 1 Cutter Management OFfice
- 2016 XO Onboard the OAK (newport, RI)
LCDR Battle, Assistant Chief OCS
CSPI bootcamp in 2005-> graduated OCS in May 2008 (02-08)-> DWO on TAMPA out of portsmouth, VA -> Assistant OPS on Bertholf -> XO on Matinicus (San Juan)-> WMSL SUpport Team in Alameda, CA (Deputy officer in charge) (2013-16) -> CGC BARANOF (WPB) PATFORSWA (2016-2017) -> CGC Heriberto hernandez (WPC) (2017-2019) San Juan
CDR Aleksak, Chief OCS
CGA in 2000 (Management degree) -> DWO on FIREBUSH (WLB) 180’ buoy (Kodiak) -> 2002 Instructor at OCS -> 2005 Enforcement division at Sector delaware bay -> 2008 White House Military Officer -> 2009 STA New York -> Post graduate at FSU with Masters in Performance Improvement and Human Resource Development (2013) -> Maritime Law Enforcement Academy (Charleston) as Performance systems branch chief, he became training officer in 2014 -> 2016 Sector Miami (response department head for 14 subordinate units) -> June 2019 arrived in OCS as Chief Officer Accessions and Transitions branch at leadership development center.
Mr. Byars, Assistant Chief, Academic Section and Master Scheduler
ROCI CLASS 1-06 after 8 years as enlisted infantryman in Army -> PSU 305 as Assistant Waterside Security Division Officer -> Sector SE NE as Reserve logistics and enforcement officer 2007 -> PSU 301 as Waterside Security division officer and later OPS (2012) -> Reserve personnel management branch at personel center (2015) -> 2016-2017 OCS as instructor and academic section chief -> 2018 XO OF PSU 305.
- Mathematics degree from JMU
- Masters in Instructional technology from VTech.
CWO Dawson , Maritime Core Coordinator
Enlisted in OCT 1999 -> SA on FORWARD (WMEC) Struck BM (Dec99-Aug01) -> STA Montauk (left at BM1) -> ‘05 Yorktown Boat Forces Center, Instructor of Coxswain C School and BM A School -> Harriet Lane 2009 -> CGC RIDLEY in Montauk as XPO (2012), Chief in 2014- Maritime Force Protection Unit in Kings Bay, GA in 2015 as patrol commander. Made CWO in 2019.
LT Tanksley
Enlisted in 1994 -> Escanaba -> TS A School -> Group/air sta cape may -> Secenca from 1998-2000 -> ESD Atlantic City as idependent duty computer/network specialist -> OCS in DECEMBER 2004 (3-04) -> MSO Portland, ME)and Sector Northern New England in Reponse Department (2004) -> Staff Officer in 2008 for OCS -> D1 Command Duty Officer -> MSU Baton Rouge (2014-2015) as Response Department Head. Retired in 2015- voluntarily recalled to re-join OCS staff in May 2019.
LT Larson, Academic Instructor
Enlisted in 1998, JULIET 153 -> STA Grand Haven, MI -> YN A school (NOV01) -> Tracen Cape May PERSU (Advanced to YN2) -> Recruit Company Commander (2003-2006) -> RUITOFF San Fran as production recruiter and independent liaison to California Maritime Academy (made YN2) -> TRACEN CAPE MAY to recruit SPO as PAO, Discharge YN, and training SME (2010) -> VIGOROUS as ID YN (2014) advanced to Chief -> TRACEN Petaluma as course writer. Promoted to PERS 1JUN17 -> CG Base detachment St. Louis (personnel dept Head) -> RECEIVED COMMISSION TO MUSTANG LT on 1MAY19.
- Coastline Community College with supervision and management
- AF-NCO Academy in 2009
- CPOA 215
- CWO-PD class of 3-18.
LT Boucher, Academic Instructor
MMA Graduation in 2014 (emergency management) -> HE enlisted in USCG -> TRACEN CAPE MAY -> RELIANCE in Kittery, ME as SN -> 2016 accepted DCO under MARGRAD program. DCO class 2-16 -> DWO on Tahoma (EMO AND 1LT) -> WAESCHE as Assitant OPS (earned his tactical action officer qualification) tactical lead for all operations including counter drug boarding in eastern pacific and joint training with US Navy 7th fleet in the western pacific.
-Permanent cutterman pin in 2019
LT Wells, Academic Instructor
CGA in 2016 (operations research and computer analysis) -> DWO on JUNIPER -> Sector Sault Sainte Marie (Incident Management Division as a pollution responder, federal on-scene coordinator, and collateral command duty officer.
LT Gallaher, CHief, Leadership and management section
CGA in 2013 (BS in Management) -> CONFIDENCE (Cape Canaveral) as DWO, counter drug boarding officer, pursuit crewmember, and 1LT (3yr tour) -> Ops on FIR (astoria, OR) where they were responsible for scheduled service and positioning of 117 federal AToN.
LT Kastrati, Assistant Chief, Leadership and Management section
Enlisted in CG 2002 -> STA Cape Cod Canal, MA. Struck BM -> CGC BARANOF (WPB) PATFORSWA-> STA Fire island -> LE PO on SHERMAN -> Tactical operator/deployable team leader with MSST Hono ->OCS 1-15 -> Sector Long Island Sound, federal on-scene coordinator, CDO, Preparedness specialist
LT Lukasik,Platoon Officer
CGA in 2014 (Government/International Affairs) -> Fulbright scholarshipto study in Mauritius (conducted marine conservation research and completed MA in economics) -> SECTOR Puget Sound enforcement division in Seattle, WA (Boarding officer, BOCA, Shiprider, and CDO and coordinated international law enforcement with canada.
-LT MA Defense and Strategic studies at the Naval War college
LTJG Gambale, Assistant Platoon Officer
CSPI in 2016, graduated with ALPHA 193 -> OCS 1-18 -> Enforccement division at Sector Delaware Bay, Morale Officer and Boarding Officer.
- BS in Police Studies from John JAy College in Criminal Justice
- Pursuing a MA in Homeland Security from Liberty University
LTJG Sagardia, Platoon OFficer
Enlisted in 2014, KILO 190 -> CGC Beluga (WPB) SN on deckforce -> OS A School -> HAMILTON -> OCS 2-17 -> CGC Kimball PLank owner (Inport OOD, Underway OOD, LSO)
-Holds Bachelor in Special Education from College of Charleston.
LT Schlosser, Assistant PLatoon Officer
Bravo company 180 -> OCS 1-11,