Stable Criteria Flashcards
What is stable criteria for circling?
Below 400ft RA
Max AoB 15 degrees within 30 degrees of the final approach track
What is the stable approach criteria?
- on the correct lateral and vertical flight path
- aircraft in the landing configuration
- Vapp +10/-5 kts
- max AoB 15 degrees
When must you call ‘go around’ at 1000ft RA?
- speed > 30kts off Vapp
- aircraft not in landing configuration
- the RVR/vis is less than minima for the approach
Transient changes ARE allowed
When would the PM call ‘speed’ on an approach?
When the speed is > 10kts target
When the speed is < 5kts target
When would the PM call ‘LOC’ or ‘GLIDE’ on an approach?
When LOC > 1/2 dot
When GLIDE > 1/2 dot
When would a PM call ‘VDEV’ on an approach?
> 1/2 dot deviation in FINAL APP mode
When would a PM call ‘COURSE’ on an approach?
> 1/2 dot VOR deviation
> 5 degrees deviation ADF
When would a PM call ‘CROSSTRACK’ on an approach?
> 0.1nm deviation from an inbound track in FINAL APP mode
When must you call ‘GO AROUND’ at 500ft RA?
- stable approach criteria NOT MET
- landing checklist NOT COMPLETE
Transient changes allowed
When would the PM call ‘SINK RATE’ on an approach?
Or on an go around?
On an approach V/S > -1000ftpm
On go around when there is no climb rate
When would the PM call ‘BANK’ on an approach, landing and go around?
In all situations when bank > 7 degrees
When would a PM call ‘PITCH’ on an approach?
Or ‘PITCH PITCH’ on a landing?
On approach when the pitch is > 10 degrees NU or < -2.5 degrees ND
On landing if the pitch attitude approaches the tail strike limit = 10 degrees (319 and 320)