Stability of Polynomial Characteristic Equation Flashcards
The term ____ refers to the
ideal situation where there are no physical limits on the input and output variables
The term ____ refer to those forcing functions which do not
increase with time. Examples include a step or sinusoidal function. Ramp on the other hand is unbounded
bounded inputs
The _____ determines the stability of a control system
closed loop characteristic
It states that a feedback control system is stable if and only if all roots of the characteristic equation are negative or have negative real parts. Otherwise, the system is said to be unstable.
General Stability Criterion
Two commonly used methods
of stability analysis of control systems whose characteristic equations are polynomial in form.
Routh Stability Criterion / Array
Root Locus
Routh (1905) developed an analytical technique in determining whether the roots of a polynomial have positive real parts
Routh Array
A necessary and sufficient condition for all roots
of the characteristic equation to have negative real parts is
that all of the elements in the leftmost column of the Routh
array are positive.
Routh Stability Criterion
In Routh Array all the coefficients are_____ than 0
A ____ is a visual representation
of how the roots of the characteristic equation changes with a certain control system parameter.
Root Locus Plot or Root Locus
The point at which two root loci, emerging from two adjacent poles (or moving toward adjacent zeroes) on the real axis, intersect and then leave (or enter) the real axis is determined by the solution
of the equation
Breakaway Point
There are q loci emerging from each qth order open loop pole at angles
Angle of Departure or Approach