St Lt Memory Flashcards
Short term
Input first enters stm
Stored around 18 seconds & holds 7 items of information
If rehearsed it can be stored in STM for many minutes and then can be transferred to LTM
Initial memory store that is limited and temporary
Long term memory
Last for minutes to an entire lifetime
Hold potentially unlimited amount of information
Encoding is largely Semitic but can be visual or acoustic
Memory store that holds potentially limited amounts of information for long time
Length of time information can be stored in STM and LTM
Amount of information that can be stared in STM and LTM
When werepeat information over and over again to make it stick
STM capacity
Around 7 bits of information
STM duration
Around 18 seconds
STM encoding
STM forgetting
LTM capacity
Potentially limitless
LTM duration
A few minutes to a lifetime
LTM encoding
Mainly Semitic
LTM forgetting
Retrieval failure