standing on one knee
(+) pain in symphysis pubis
inc stressed by having pt hop on one leg
flamingo test
- pt lies on the side with the upper leg hyperextended
- pt holds the lower leg flexed against the chest
(+) ipsilateral SI jt lesion/ L4 nerve root
gaenslen’s test
pt stands and asks to stand on one leg (pulling opposite knee toward chest)
examiner palpates the PSUS and sacrum
(+) SI jt moves minimally/ up= hypomobile
normal: PSIS moves down/ inferiorly
can be used for trendelenburg
gillet test
pt sits on hard flat surface
examiner palpates PSIS and compares height
painful side is lower
asks pt to forward bend
(+) lower PSIS becomes higher= hypomobile
piedallu’s sign
pt in prone
examiner flexes knee at 90 deg and extends hip
(+) lumbair pain= lumbar involvement
(+) anterior thigh= femoral nerve
(+) SI jt= anterior sacroiliac ligaments
yeoman’s test
pt in supine with legs straight
check if medial malleoli are level
ask pt to sit up and observe whether one leg moves up farther than the other
(+) functional leg difference
(+) spasm
supine to sit (long sitting) test
pt in supine with test leg on top of knee of the opposite leg
examiner slowly lowers the test leg
(+) lateral pain= superolateral and lateral FAI
(+) groin pain= iliopsoas pathology/ psoas impingement
(+) posterolateral pain= ischiotrochanteric impingement
(+) posterior pain= sacroiliac
(+) test leg remains above
patrick’s/ faber/ figure 4 test