SSTIs Flashcards
What pathogens usually cause folliculitis?
Staph aureus Pseudomonas aeruginosa (hot tub folliculitis)
How do you treat folliculitis?
soap and water and antibiotics
What often causes acne?
proprionobacterium acnes (anaerobe, eats oils)
Furuncles are
Boils: abscess in the area of the hair follicle. Several together make up a Carbuncle. These are usually S. Aureus
Dermatophyte funghi
Tinea cruris (jock itch), corporis (ringworm)
Yeast infections in general are caused by three things:
Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, and of course the big one: Candida albicans
Rash from candida under the breasts
honey crust lesion on the epidermis. Caused by Group A strep and Staph Aureus. VERY infectious. Treat with penicillin and topical antibiotics
Usually group A strep. Hot, red, painful, deep in dermis, spreads rapidly. Systemic signs as well. Treat with Penicillin
Subcutaneous. Usually Group A strep, then sometimes Staph aureus. treat with systemic antibiotics. Sometimes blood samples are positive, sometimes not-50 50.
Necrotizing Fascitis
Group A strep (flesh eating bacteria), Staph Aureus.
Look for pain out of proportion to what you see.
Can also be Clostridium perfringens: an anaerobe that makes gas gangrene.
Fournier’s gangrene
polymicrobial infection, necrotizing fasciitis of the genitals and perineum
Surgical wounds
Staph Aureus. Avoid by preoperative antibiotics
What causes scalded skin syndrome?
Staph aureus (top layer of skin sloughs off.) (Alpha toxin)
What causes bullous impetigo?
Exfoliatin (toxin from staph aureus)
What causes toxic shock syndrome?
TSST-1 (toxin from staph aureus)
Used to happen with tampons, now happens a lot with sinus surgeries (because of the wound packing)
An exotoxin that acts on the GI tract is called an
What makes a MRSA strain MR?
It has acquired a mecA gene, which alters PBPs (penicillin binding proteins,) and become resistant to ALL B-lactams.
(they will need an IV of trimethoprim or linezolid, daptomycin etc) Don’t use vancomycin!!
If you have MSSA, treat it with
nafcillin, and oxacillin
and cephalosporins
(Orally and send them home)
What sequelae follow Group A strep?
Pharyngitis–to rheumatic fever (attacks heart valves)
Pharyngitis OR soft tissue– to glomerulonephritis
Strep A makes what exotoxins?
Strepolysin O and S (lyse leukocytes, platelets, tissue cells)
-Pyrogenic exotoxins A and B (superantigens)
Clostridium perfringes
anaerobic, form spores, gram positive rod, causes gas gangrene
Pasteurella multocida
cat and dog bites. Gram negative rods
Pseudomonas auruginosa
Gram negative rod
non-glucose fermenter
environmental (water, hospital rooms)
Colorful secondary infections on burns
Vibrio vunificus
gram negative rod
loves salt water and shellfish
Iron overload,
fever, sepsis, hemorrhagic bull