sst chapter 10 Flashcards
Population Trends:
Population trends of the early 19th century: The population went up but at first there were not a lot of immigrants but then people came from Europe and other places. a
Antebellum period: pre war period (civil war)
1790: 4 million people lived in the us
1820: 10 million in us
1840: 17 million in us
Population grew because of:
increased immigration,
Increased birth rates,
lower death rate because fewer impedemics.
The decline of the black to white ratio:
Slavery grows in the first half 1800s
Over sea slave trade banned in 1808
1 million slaves 1790 to 1860 3 and a half 4 million at civil war
Birthrate of slaves very high
Harsh conditions for the slaves
Ban on over sea trade but not immigration so only white people come
Higher death rate in the slave community since harsher conditions
White population did 400% black population 350%
The increase of immigration beginning in the 1830s:
Population growing significantly
Population shifting westward
Imigration increased significantly
There was a decline in european wars in 1830 so fewer boats were naval boats, they were used as merchant ships to bring people
Boat trips were cheaper because there was more supply (think supply and demand)
Naval boats were converted into merchant ships
The urbanization trends between 1840 - 1860:
Growth of urbanization
More west man
Start in 1830s with a big wave a immigration
In the 1860s, 26 % of americans lived in cities or in the surrounding town
In the 1840s14% of americans lived in cities or towns surrounding
Most immigrant work in the factory (at low skill jobs)
Rich farmers stayed farmers and poorer farmers went to work in the factories
New york known for its cows
312,000 people in new york 1840
800,000 people in new york 1860 because of population and immigration
1840s: 6 % people lived in the cities or near
1860s: 10% of people lived in the cities or near
Agriculture is the main job, livestock farms (cows etc)
The ways western agricultural trends impacted urbanization
New cities:
Saint louis and pittsburgh
near the great lakes:buffalo and chicago
4 million new immigrants came into this country 1830 to 1860
Founding of the country till 1830s, 500 000 american resident were born overseas (foreign born)
Culture changes (new people arrive )
Natives: born in the us even if your parents are born overseas
Immigrants are seen as competition to their way of life by natives (they think they are taking their jobs etc…)
Which two groups represented the largest influx of new immigrants?
Irish and German
German dont parlent anglais
German go to Chicago
irish go to Boston
Irish face discrimination because the british hated them
How did politicians treat new immigrants
Native American Association : a native american association where people who were born here of european descent, thought that they should have more right
The politicians helped the immigrants and at voting time ask for their votes
“Natives” hated immigration which led to the rise of nativism. Thought immigrants were stealing their jobs
They thought the immigrants were racially inferior
Fear of the catolic church
Native american(not indigenous) associations (then turned to Native American Party) founding 1837; 1845 native american party(political) white european descent born in america and said they are the true american
1850: new association -> the supreme order of the star spangled banner: goal to keep catholics, immigrants “aliens” out of office and favored immigration restriction and literacy test to vote
They were nicknamed “know nothing party” and known as “the american party”
They got what they wanted by being elected to school boards, local politics and eventually to state politics and then national politics (think of what the far right does today)
What was the Turnpike Era?
Turnpike: when roads where you have to pay a toll, they had to turn pikes which is how it got its name
Boats carry more than a wagon but boats don’t go where you want them to because the rivers aren’t connected, so they built canals
Canals helped build cities like Chicagos, Detroit, Buffalo and Pittsburgh
How did the construction of canals change America?
Erie canal started in 1817 and was finished in 1825.
Helped linked NY all the way to Chicago and other western market
Not only canal built
New England trade went down as a result of the canals being built
Population will go northwest, to the great lake region(Illanois, wisconsin..)
What impact did railroads have in the early 19th century?
Early train where pulled by horses, not very effective, no long distance
Coal could blow up at first, but then was perfected
We don’t rely on boats
What impact did railroads change America beginning in the mid 19th century?
Relying on federal government and private companies to pay
We don’t rely on using boats
Trains were now quicker than boats
1836: a thousand miles of track laid down
1840: 3 thousand miles worth of track
1860: 27 thousand miles of track (mostly in north-east) 30 million acres of us acres were awarded for railroad construction across 11 states
Because people came, they had to build new infrastructure and farms had to be built
New York to chicago: 3 weeks by boat and now by only train 2 days: more trade ensued
More corporation were created for two reasons: raise money, invest it back into company, legal protection
What impact did new forms of communication have?
Samuel F.B. Morse created morse code: allowed faster communication
Congress was skeptical at first to invest but when it did they decide to invest more and more
Made a line from Baltimore to DC
1860: over half a million wires connecting the whole country
To use those lines you pay a service to the owners
A company that does that is called Western Union
They laid cable in 1886 to communicate to Europe (New york - Paris)
How did new technologies change the spread of information?
Journalist can sell their stories to people away (Like for example Paris to New York)
Now you don’t just have local news you have National and International
Associated press founded is 1846
Richard Hoe invented the Steam Inventory Press. Cheaper, faster, better.
Newspaper spread grew 300% in a decade
How did the introduction of corporations impact America?
The government was very pro corporation
Laws that limited liability and shielded companies when something bad happened
Rich people could influence politician
They all favored big businesses (a system not built for the worker because no minimum wage, no limit on work day etc…)
How did the growth of the Factory System impact America?
Factories powered by steam (water)
Factories powered by coal problems: pollution, lung diseases
Manufacturing outpasses agriculture
Factories in the north such as in Buffalo
Factory workers are born overseas, immigrant because they’re desperate for a job, but that means they can get scammed by the factory owners (don’t get paid as much as they should)
How did the U.S. government support new technologies?
The government want to spend money in new technology, invested
By 1840s, our technology had grown superior than the technology in Europe
Patent: paper issued by government to say an invention is a person’s invention
Eli Whitney advancement of technology
How did the introduction of Interchangeable Parts impact business?
Eli Whitney advancement of technology
Before things were custom made and more expensive to make
Means you gotta buy new if it break
So Whitney created interchangeable parts, he started with riffles
Congress didn’t believe him to he went to Congress and showed them himself when he asked for a patent
They started using this in different factories, train factories, trains etc…
Automobile industry worked because of interchangeable parts
Henry Ford
How did new business methods impact small business owners?
Coal was used
50 000 tons were used by 1820
14 millions tons of coal in 1860
Advantage for businesses they don’t need to but there business next to a large water source
544 invention patents in 1830
1860 4 778 invention patents (900% increase)
Where was America’s labor force concentrated in the 1800s?
Those who lived in urban areas were most likely to be skilled artisans or small business owners.
90% people worked in the agriculture industry but then the number decreased to more people working in the factories
What were early factory conditions like?
They were actually better than what they turned into
They recruited sometimes whole families
They mostly recruited young people/ young women.
The wages were good and overtime they went down
1830-1840: decline in factory(working) conditions and wages
What role did women play in factories?
In Massachusett (like in Lowell) , a lot of factory had woman, they left the farm to work in Lowell
They lived in boarding houses led by a house mother
A lot of the money they won was sent back home
Wages go down about 25% in 1830
The Lowell Factory Girl’s Association was the response to the wage cut(act of rebellion)
They went on strike in 1834 to fight the 25%
1845: Sarah Bagley formed the Female Labor Reform Association (FLRA)
Fought for 10 hours work day, better conditions, asking for support from the government but they did not give it
Where did new immigrants work?
They worked in factories
More demand for work so factory owners can lower the jobs(not concerned about their safety) not good for original workers
How were they treated?
They’re safety was not taken into consideration that much
A lot of Irish immigrants were not wanted in most cities so went to work on the turnpikes, canals, railroads: dangerous jobs but far from the cities that refused them and were called “The shanty Irish” because they lived in bad homes and poor conditions and was a stereotype against them.
The come in having no leverage and are desperate
There living conditions were not good and so the stereotype grew
Piece rate wages: means that a worker is paid based on how much he produces. He is given a quota (what he needs to produce) and if he makes more than that he gets extra money
How did the factory system impact artisans?
Artisans: a person having skills involving making things from scratch by hand
Artisans were displaced by the factory system
Factory made goods: cheaper but lesser quality/ Artisans made goods: more expensive but better quality. People chose to buy from factories
Artisans like to help each other and support each other’s businesses “you buy from me I buy from you”
Factories changed the way things worked most artisans were not able to beat factories
What were craft societies?
Formed by artisans and later changed into trade unions
Artisans with a similar craft worked with each other
The unions aren’t really successful because they were missing support of the government and the local community
Most factory jobs were unskilled so strikes didn’t really work
The unions that had good outcome were the ones who had a very skilled trade since no one can replace them
Did state governments respond to workers pleas for help?
They did not answer the pleas
They answered the wealthy business owners they would not listed to what the workers would say if it was in contradiction to what the business owner would want since they would pay the legislature people’s reelection
What happened in Commonwealth v Hunt?
Happened 1842
The massachusetts said the unions were legal and strike were permissible
Minor victory since strikes were not useful since immigrants would take their jobs
How did increased immigration impact union efforts?
Women were not able to work in trade unions since the owners were sexist
The response to that was that the women formed new trade unions but they didn’t work
Unions did not affect wealthy people
How did industrial growth impact average income?
It increased average income
Does not mean everyone is doing better
Inequality in wealth also went up
Factory owner were the ones who benefited from their workers (they got richer but the factory worker didn’t )
Factory owners had to pay higher wages than the other owners so that people thought highly of themselves
How did industrial growth impact social classes?
Because the wealthy people were wealthy, they wanted to show of their wealth through big homes, they even owned city blocks, they joined private clubs (country club) bought art, they could travel to Europe and tell their friends about their travels in Europe
Central park became a playground for wealthy
Higher number of destitutes (people who live of the streets) ( many died from starvation,exposure)
People who lost the most were free black people
“Paupers” were what were called poor immigrants, especially Irish.
Was the American Dream alive during this time?
There was geographic mobility and move into different classes
It was because it was enough of a social movement/mobility
They could move west and then strike gold
What was Middle Class life like during the antebellum period?
the fastest growing group in the United state.
Few wealthy
Got wealthy through service
Middle class women can stay home more and could hire a help
Better life than agriculture
You could get hired help without having that much money(upper middle class)
Middle class women didn’t have to work that much
It’s better in society if the women didn’t work:higher status in society and reflected how rich the husband was
Cast iron stoves were a sign of having money
Stores are available : butchers etc…
Rich home has (upper middle class): separate rooms (parlor, dining room, room for each kids and beds for them) indoor plumbing (not having to excrete outside) better furniture
Different levels of middle class (with or without things above)
How did increased urbanization impact family life?
More people go to the urban centers in the north, happens in the south but not as fast
People would work in the city and leave home (especially young boys close to our age)
Life at home for women changed: they focused more on the home and raising the children
Urbanization made the gap between women and men bigger
With industrialization the birth rate goes down because people live in apartments and smaller homes
Living on the farm you could feed your on family but in cities you have to buy food
Average children in 1800s: 7 children
Average children in 1860s: 5 children
How did gender roles change during the antebellum period?
New social roles come with industrialization for men and women
Women: born and raised in parents home and dad was boss. When reach a certain age get married and husband is boss.
Education more important for the men (some women could though)
University not a priority for women
1837: women are accepted into college when Oberlin College, Ohio offers co-ed education
Mary Lion in Massachusetts in Mount Holy Oak makes the first all female college in the U.S.
When your husband makes it to a certain level you don’t work. You keep a well organized home. That’s when “Cult of Domesticity” is born
The cult of domesticity: Idea that a higher value should be placed on female virtues. Women should keep a certain level of morality and not get into fights for example. Girls need to be neat and proper and all that.
How did leisure activities demonstrate social class?
Leisure activities: what you do in your free time (think of “loisir” in french)
Factory worker: don’t have time or luxury to do anything they want. After work they go to the local tavern/pub and some can’t handle alcohol and get drunk (alcoholism) They take anger on who they live with (their wife and kids usually) This is where abuse usually starts. When they want to go watch theater but are poor they go watch “minstrel shows” which are low budget theater (juggling etc.. there was also blackface).
Baseball was available for everyone, circus was available for everyone (think P.T. Barnum)
Rich boss: go to dinner, go on vacation and go to theater
Wealthy middle class women: read, entertain other women in each other’s homes, (think tea party). They attend a lecture with a friend, and go watch theater .
What trends occurred throughout the 1800s?
Northeastern agriculture decrease north east becomes center
Rely more on buying at the marketplace
Relies on others agriculture
North was able to survive with food supply
Farmers went to the west if they wanted to continue farming
They found work in mills and factories but living conditions goes down except if you’re a very skilled labor
unskilled workers could be replaced
What was Truck Farming?
Enough land to produce a small thing
Set up small road side stands with that one or two products
What trends occurred in the Old Northwest?
Todays midwest
Experiences industrial growth
Cities like:chicago
Natives lived there so they negotiated to move them farther and farther with treaties
Main focus on agriculture
Mostly sold back to the east especially northeast
They didn’t sell to the south
Old northwest most democratic part of the country
What was life like for rural farmers?
They did small tasks for each other
They did barn raising: helped each other build barns
Church becomes an important part of life
South doesn’t have that since they were very far apart