SSPs Flashcards
Why to deal with scenarios?
So, scenarios…
* describe possible futures and are no precise forecasts of the future
* show future GHG emissions under different climate polices
* provide a common understanding within the research community to explore mitigation policies and adaptation options
* show need for actions and long term decisions for policy, society and companies
The SSPs scenario framework
The RCPs GHG emission scenarios: Climate change projections of the 5 th IPCC were based on the scenario
framework of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)
–> For a new scenario framework, the Representative Concentration Pathways
(RCPs) are developed further to the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to add the socioeconomic dimension to the scenarios
SSPs scenario framework: summary
- Upscaling of low carbon energy , forestry expansion and CCS are the main mitigation strategies which are considered
- The carbon price is the main policy instrument for mitigation which is implemented to the scenarios
- The 2 C target can’t be fulfilled with the SSP3 mitigation scenario (high challenges to adaption and mitigation), because of national oriented policy, a material intensive lifestyle and less concerns about environmental topics
- The SSP1 mitigation scenario (low challenges to adaption and mitigation) achieves the 2 C target with the lowest mitigation costs of all scenarios, because of it’s sustainability path