S.S 11\2\23 Flashcards
An area settled and ruled by the gov´t of a distant land
A moment in history that makes a decisive change
Turning point
To sail completely around the world
A transfer of people and products between the eastern and western hemispheres
Colombian exchange
Scandinavian sailors
The agreement that portgal was given all the land in the east of the line and spain was given spain was given west of the line
Line of demarcation
Moved the line of demarcation further west ¨evening up¨ the land
Treaty of tordecillas
Discovered the pacific ocean but called it the south sea
The first to circumnavigate the globe
Spanish conquerors
Towns that are centers of farming and trade
forts that solders lived in
Settlements run by the catholic priests
Born in old spain
Born in new spain and children of the peninsulas
mixed spanish and indian
Conquistador that destroyed the incan empire
Conquistador who went looking for the fountain of youth but instead found St.Augustine
ponce de leon
Spanish priest who critisized the treatment of the indians
Fr. de la casas
Conquistador who went looking for the 7 cities of gold but found the grand canyon instead
Misxed spanish and african
granted land to spaniards of old spain and used the indians to work on it
Encomienda system
Direct route from the atllantic ocean to the pacific ocean that was never found
NorthWest passsage
French word for runners of the woods
Courer de bois
An agreement between nations to protect each other
A legal document that gives certain rights to a personor company
representitives for the govt
Voters who elect their representitives to make laws for them
representitive gov´t
The rebelion that only started because the people could not go into native land
Bacons rebelion
Spent his time looking for the North West passage
John cabot
Founded nova Scotia and califonia
Explored the St.Lawrence river
Founded new france and established quebec city and lake champlain
Samuel de champlain
Explored the missisipi river
Marquette and Juliet
Explored the mouth of the missisipi
La salle
Purchased the island of manhattan for 24 dollars in trinkets
Peter minuit
Founded the first roanoke
Sir walter Raleigh
Settled the second roanoke and his grand daughter was the first american female born in the new world
John White
Agreement that people share ownership of a company
Join stock Co.
Saved James town with tobacco seeds
John ralph
Later became known as parliment
Great council
The boat the pilgrims used to sail to the new world
The agreement the men made after getting off the mayflower
Mayflower compact
The theory that a nations wealth determines power