Squatter Settlement Flashcards
Kibera Nairobi, Kenya next to the Ngong river
3 million
Cramped conditions
8 people living in a 12x12 foot house
Quality of homes
Only 1% made from brick or stone
Practical action
Set up a number of toilet blocks
95% of homes lack adequate sanitation
Infant mortality
20% of children die before 5 due to water Bourne diseases
Governmental help
Doesn’t recognise Kibera, not on the map
Rehousing 720 people in 2003
Sustainable schemes
Pee Poo
Sunny money
Pee poo
Biodegradable bags that kill pathogens poo later used as fertiliser
Sunny Money
Provides solar panels to people
Allows them to have power and light this they can work longer ect
Teaches basic technology producing a local map of kibera online where all the facilities are shown as the often move
Site and Service schemes
Sites with secure tenure (important as people can invest in the land) with basic facilities eg water electricity
Assisted self help
NGOs provide training and materials for construction or they provide plots with secure tenure
Self help
Improving their own position through work in the informal sector