spss and coding Flashcards
what can we use SPSS recoding function for?
if we have items within our questionnaire which need to be reverse
scored/ We want to change the codes used for a categorical variable/ We want to create a new categorical variable from an existing variable
what can we use SPSS for in descriptive stats
Describe the characteristics of your sample/ Check your variables for any violation of the assumptions associated with inferential statistical tests
descriptive statistics for categorical variables
For categorical variables, we want to compute the frequencies and percentages
Descriptive statistics for continuous (numerical) variables
Analyse -> Descriptive Statistics -> Explore
what do we use spss for descriptive stats for numerical variables for?
to compute descriptive statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, range etc/ assess normality and check for outliers
Cronbach’s Alpha values
Cronbach’s alpha values: > .70 indicate acceptable internal
Cronbach’s Alpha: Assessing internal reliability of the scale
Analyse -> Scale -> Reliability Analysis
compare the mean scores for some continuous variable (dependent variable) for two groups, time-points or conditions (independent variable)
Independent samples t-test
compares the mean scores for two
different groups of participants
Paired samples t-test
compares the mean scores for the same group of participants at two different time-points or conditions
Paired Samples T-Test SPSS
Analyse -> Compare Means -> Paired Samples T-Test
Correlation analysis
used to explore the nature of the relationship between two variables
Create scatterplot- check assumptions(corerelation analysis)
Graphs -> Legacy -> Scatter/Dot
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
Analyse -> Correlate -> Bivariate
Chi-square test of independence
used to investigate whether there is a relationship between two categorical variables
Chi-square test of independence SPSS
Analyse -> Descriptive Statistics -> Crosstabs
Measures of variance
range and SD