Spread Of Infection Flashcards
Infection definition
Colonization/ invasion and multiplication of a micro-organism (bacteria/virus/fungus) in the body.
Inflammation definition
Must know difference between INFECTION and INFLAMMATION
Body’s response to injury (bacterial/ viral/ trauma/ autoimmune)
Spread of infection to facial tissues - how can infection be spread to facial tissues?
Either by Lymphatic or Tissue spaces
What are tissue spaces?
Spreading infection - Higher risk for?
What is an abscess?
Abscess = collection of pus
Orofacial abscesses
- acute orofacial abscesses?
- chronic orofacial abscesses?
How does infection spread?
Infection Follows path of least resistance
What is the difference between an abscess and cellulitis?
What factors determine pattern of local spread of infection?
Fascial spaces
What are the maxillary fascial spaces?
What are the mandibular fascial spaces?
What are the boundaries of the spaces?
Diagram to show how spread of infection occurs
Label the letters
Upper teeth infection
Can spread to ?
Swelling of?
Could cause?
Mandibular incisors infection
Signs of infection - Local
What are the local signs of infection
Signs of infection - systemic
What are the systemic signs of infection?
Symptoms of infection?
Investigations for infection
Culture and sensitivity tests
Aspiration sampling of abscess
What does No periapical radiolucency, +/- carious tooth, +/- PDL widening mean?
What does Periapical radiolucency mean?
Severe facial swellings
What factors determine management of local infections?
Source of infection
Extent of local spread
Extent of systemic spread
What are the complications of infection?
Ludwig’s angina
What is it?
What is it caused by?
Signs and symptoms?
Ludwig’s angina example of what it may look like
Management of Ludwig’s angina
Peritonsillar abscess (Quincy)
I and D abscess= incision and drainage abscess
Management of infection
Management of infection cont
What are three things we need to do and what is involved in each?
Mc and s = microscopy, culture and sensitivity
Treatment of localised infection in practice
When do you refer to OMFS?
Management for acute dento-alveolar infections
What is the first choice antibiotic given?
How often do you take it
Second choice antibiotic
Third choice antibiotic
Further spread within the fascial planes of the neck ( rare)
See pages 47 onwards for pics of patients before and after cause of infection removed