Kidney Disease Flashcards
What are the functions of the kidney?
Link between kidneys and calcium metabolism?
Where do we get vitamin D from?
How are kidneys involved with blood pressure?
2 example of antihypertensives?
What is chronic kidney disease?
What does GFR stand for?
What is the normal GFR
causes of chronic kidney disease?
Effects of chronic kidney disease
CVS = cardiovascular system
What is dialysis?
What are the types of dialysis?
What does this diagram show
What does this diagram show
Renal transplant
Dental aspects of kidney disease
What can you prescribe for a patient with kidney disease?
What are the blood tests needed for kidney disease ?
Interpreting UandEs
What are the grades of chronic kidney disease ?
What does this show
What does this show
What does this show
What does this show