Bleeding Risk And Haemorrhage Flashcards
What is haemorrhage?
What are the types of haemorrhage and when can they occur?
Haemorrhage = blood lost from a ruptured vessel
What is haemostasis?
What are the types of haemostasis?
What are the stages of haemostasis?
What is coagulation?
What does coagulation occur through?
What is the coagulation cascade?
What are the different pathways?
Why is fibrinolysis
How is haemostasis controlled?
What happens if promotors of local haemostasis are overactive?
What happens if prevention of generalised thrombosis are overactive?
What are the causes of excessive over bleeding?
Abnormalities in blood vessels, platelets or coagulation
Blood vessel abnormalities
What are examples of inherited blood vessel abnormalities?
What are examples of acquired blood vessel abnormalities?
What is thrombocytopenia?
Thrombocytopenia = decrease in number of platelet count
What is the normal range of platelets?
Normal range = 150-400x 10^9/l
What is the minimum number of platelets needed for dental extraction?
50 x 10^9 / l
What is the minimum number of platelets needed for LA infiltration
30 x 10^9 / l
Abnormal platelets / platelet defects
What are examples of inherited platelet defects?
What are examples of acquired platelet defects?