Sports psychology Flashcards
What is the definition of personality?
The patterns of thoughts and feelings and the way in which we interact with our environment and other people that make us a unique person.
Define anxiety.
A negative emotional state that is closely associated with arousal. It is experiencing appreciation and being aware of high arousal linked to our fears and worries.
What is the NARROW BAND approach?
Splitting personality into two types: type A and type B.
What features in a type A personality?
Impatience, intolerance and high stress levels.
What features in a type B personality?
Relaxed, tolerant and low stress.
What is state anxiety?
Anxiety that is felt in a particular situation. There are two types: somatic and cognitive.
What is somatic anxiety?
A body’s response to anxiety e.g. Tension, increase in pulse rate.
What is cognitive anxiety?
A psychological worry over the situation.
What is the stable personality trait?
A personality characteristic of someone who does not swing from one emotion to another but is usually constant in there emotional behaviour.
What is the unstable/neurotic personality trait?
A personality characteristic of someone who is highly anxious and has unpredictable emotions.
What is extroversion?
A personality characteristic or trait of a person who seeks social situations and likes excitement but lacks concentration.
What is introversion?
A personality characteristic or trait of a person who does not seek social situations and likes peace and quiet, but is good at concentrating.
What is the social learning and personality theory?
Personality changes with the situation and environment, it is shaped by factors around us.
What is the interactionist approach to personality?
Both the trait and social learning theories have value and they we are born with a certain personality but it adapts as we interact with the environment
Define attitude
A predisposition to act in a particular way towards something or someone in a persons environment.
What is self-actualisation?
The individuals desire to explore and understand the world so that they can grow personally and reach their potential.
Define prejudice.
A preconceived opinion based on a faulty and inflexible generalisation.
What are the components of the traffic model of attitudes?
- Beliefs - the cognitive element
- Emotions - the affective element
- Behaviour - the behavioural element
How are beliefs formed?
Through past experiences and by what we have learned by others
How are emotions formed?
As reactions to an attitude object, whether we like or dislike it, also depending on past experiences
How is behaviour formed?
It is continuously changing and is not always constant with our attitude. However, most of the time we behave as our attitude tells us to.