Sport + Society Flashcards
What is CHANNELING racism ?
is ethnics minorities may be pushed into certain sports based on assumptions about them
- e.g. Asian to cricket from football
How did the British Empire influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
Young boys educated to become leaders of the empire to spread the playing of the game
- Teachers - developed teams + taught traditional sporting values
- Factory owners - game time off to play competitive nationally
- Clergy - took sport aboard
- Officials - spread through empire
- Diplomats - travelled the world
What are Sport England key principles ?
- more money/resources - decrease inactivity
- investments more in children
- help stay or start being active
- sport more welcoming + inclusive
- support local authorities + funds
What are the ways Sport can have an impact on society ?
- highlight inequalities
- influencing our ideas/beliefs about masculinity/femininity
- influencing our ideas/beliefs about races/ethnicity
- influencing our ideas on ability/disability
- contributes to our sense of national pride/social integration
- target social problems such as unemployment, crime + inequalities - eliminate social exclusion
How is Globalisation seen in Sport ?
- sponsorship of events e.g. Coca-Cola
- recruiting players for teams from different countries
- spreading of different sports to new nations e.g. 1994 USA world cup
- increasing pressure of athletes to perform their best - could lead to illegal drugs to maintain high levels
What are the SOLUTIONS for DISABILITY to participation ?
- increase technology
- provide more opportunities for success
- increase investment in disabled sport - affordable
- provide transport to/around facilities
- train more specialist coaches - more clubs
- increase media coverage - more role models
- educate more people about myths/stereotypes
the term used to define social inequalities
- can affect two major of childhood :
1) School
2) Sports clubs
What is Secondary Socialisation ?
is Socialisation in the later years (teenager) from peer groups, school or friends - know as agencies
- help learn transferable skills such as teamwork
- can influence how to act as a certain gender
is a alteration in the social order of society
- long term effect e.g. leisure centres have creches for children so women can participate
- e.g. KICK IT OUT campaign to increase awareness of racial issues - use role models to educate
What is an Professional ?
a person who plays sport for financial gain
What is Media ?
A organised means of communication by which large numbers of different people can be reached quickly
what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of commercialism on the Spectators ?
POSITIVE - more sport - higher standard of performer - better stadiums - rules changed - greater awareness NEGATIVE - increase cost - merchandise is expensive - events moved/rescheduled - events interrupted - nature of game altered
What was the Rationalisation + Development of Lawn Tennis ?
- was invented by the Middle class as wasn’t allowed to play real tennis - Major Wingfield - 1874
- played/organised by the middle class
- private clubs with walls and hedges (excluded)
- Suited middle class Suburban housing with lawned gardens
- use of standardised rules + specialist equipment
- played by males and females
- Public provision - spread to working class
- Wimbledon - 1877
- First female participation - 1884 ( but minimal effot)
What is SOCIETY ?
is an organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest
- e.g. people in country normally have same society - America - capitalist and North Korea - communist
the movement characterised by a belief in manliness, the moral and physical beauty of athleticism, teamwork, discipline and self-sacrifice
GENTLEMAN AMATEUR e.g. rugby union - upper/middle class - wealthy - a-lot of free time - no desire to train - high morality - taking part/fair-play WORKING CLASS PROFESSIONAL e.g. rugby league - working class - poor - very little time - committed to training - low morality - winning, bribing and cheating
What are the HEALTH benefits of raising participation in sport ?
- decrease risk of heart disease/stoke
- avoid high/low blood pressure
- decrease risk of type 2 diabetes + obesity
- strengthen bones + muscles - no Osteoporosis
- decrease risk of cancer
what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of commercialism on the Officials ?
POSITIVE - technology can assist decision NEGATIVE - technology takeover - reduce value of the role of an official
What are the SOCIAL benefits of raising participation in sport ?
- increase chemical serotonin - feel good
- improve sleeping pattern
- better mood - improve concentration
- increase self-esteem + improve confidence
- new friendships + increase social integration
What were the Positive impact of Modern day Amateurism ?
- code of amateurism - set rules
- code of ethics - sportsmanship
- viewed positively + promoted in different ways e.g. Fair play award
- rugby union maintain standards e.g. calling referee ‘Sir’
is kind factory owners becoming 'patrons of sport' for the working class by providing support for them to participate in various ways - e.g. teams set up, sporting facilities, excursions etc
What is Sponsorship ?
is when a company pays for it products to be publicly displayed or advertised, usually as an attempt to increase the sales of its goods
How did Urbanisation influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
Lack of space - purpose built facilities Large working class population - need entertaining through mass spectator numbers Loss of traditional sport - new sports emerged Change in working conditions - improvement caused participation/attendance numbers to increase
How did Communication influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
As education improved for the working class - the rules improved
- more literate
- media improved awareness of sport e.g. fixtures
- role models
is forms of social interactions between individuals and groups which occurs again and again
- e.g. conflict, integration, co-operation etc.
How is Social Class displayed in School ?
Schools have better facilities depending of the area
- low-income families tend to have poorer health which affect physical ability/skill level
What are the SOLUTIONS for ETHNICITY to participation ?
- train more ethnic coaches
- single sex provision if required
- punish racial abuse
- organisation of campaigns against racism in sport e.g KICK IT OUT
- ensuring PE provision is appropriate
What was the Rationalisation + Development of Track + Field
- Urbanisation - purpose built facilities
- still has wagering + class division
- 1866 - Amateur Athletics Club (AAC) by ex-public school + ex-uni men to get respect, no wagering so no money earning athletes or WC allowed
- 1880 - remove the Exclusion Clause for AAA so open sport to everyone
- no women till Olympics 1928 but not above 800m (too strenuous)
How did the Church influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
- it encouraged social control - remove violence + gambling . healthy body means healthy mind
- Ex-school boys promoted MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY
- it promoted Christian Values - Clergy viewed sport as chance to increase attendance at church
- organised teams + competitions e.g. Aston Villa
- provided facilities - church hall/field
- Clergy gave encouragement by their approval + active involvement
What does Sport England aim to increase ?
- physical well-being
- mental well-being
- individual development
- social + community development
- economical development
How did SECOND HALF of the Industrial Revolution influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
SECOND HALF - Positive effect on sport :
- health + hygiene improved
- increases in wages
- cheaper to travel
- improvement in travel - leagues established
- influence of Ex-pubic school-boys (setting up teams)
- introduce the middle class (pubic provision)
- value of Athleticism spread
What is RACISM ?
is a set of beliefs/ideas based on the assumption that races have distinct hereditary characteristics that give some races an intrinsic superiority over others
- it may lead to physical or verbal abuse
What are the characteristics of Popular Recreation ?
- communications + transport limited = RESTRICTED TO LOCAL AREAS
- widespread illiteracy = SIMPLE + BASIC RULES - LACK OF CODIFICATION
- lived in countryside/rural areas - NATURAL RESOURCES
- cruel + violence - MALE DOMINATED - WAGERING
What was the Rationalisation + Development of Association Football ?
- Urbanisation - purpose built facilities
- more free time - Saturday 3pm
- more disposable income - pay for matches
- improve transport
- increased professionalism
- social call link - know as the peoples game
- increased organisation - ex-school boys FA-1863
What was the Modern Day Development of Tennis ?
- Majors began for Amateurs
- Professional Tournaments stared in 1920
- OPEN ERA - when professionals were allowed to compete along amateurs and earn money - 1968
- still seen as middle class - dress code
- open era witnessed inequalities in prize money
- men - £2000 and women - £750 - 1968
- 2007 - equality for women by WTA
How is Social Class displayed in Sports clubs ?
Working class expectations on children e.g. household chores affect involvement in extra-curricular - depends on Economic inequality
What is an Amateur ?
a person who plays sport for the love of the game and not for financial gain
What are the characteristics of Rational Recreation ?
- regular + national played
- non-violent
- based on sportsmanship + fair play
- strict + complex rules (NGB’s)
- referees + officials
- purpose build facilities
- skill + tactic based
is a way of viewing socialisation, emphasising the proactive role of people in shaping social life
- stress the fact that people can intervene in social processes and change them
- Progression - gradually developing towards a more advanced state
What was the BOSMAN RULING ?
It effectively allowed footballers within the EU to move at the end of their contract to another club without a transfer fee being paid
- a decision concerning freedom of movement for workers
- 1995 in European Court of Justice
is a standardised image or belief shared by a society
- a simple generalisation about all members of a group which allows others to categorise and treat them accordingly
What is STACKING racism ?
is the disproportionate concentration of ethnics in certain positions within sport teams e.g. captain
- Physically ability > decision-making ability
What is Sport England and their purpose ?
is a NGB which target is to increase participation in sport
- work with national/local partners
- new strategy - ‘Towards Active Nation’ (2016-21)
What is the Industrial Revolution ?
the change in Britain from a feudal, rural society into a industrialized, machine based, capitalist society controlled by the middle class
What was the Emergence of Elite Female sport in Association Football ?
- equal opportunities - Sex Discrimination act passed
- incresed in media coverage
What are the Social-cultural Influences of Sport in Industrial + Post-Industrial Britain (1780-1900) ?
- Industrial Revolution
- Urbanisation
- Transport Revolution
- Communication
- Influence of Church
- Emergence of the Middle class
- British Empire
- Pubic Provision
- Development of National Government Bodies
what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of commercialism on the Performers ?
POSITIVE - full time job - money + fame - other opportunities NEGATIVE - play for the money - play for more often so injury/short career - social media abuse
What was the Modern Day Development of Track + Field ?
- major interest in Athletics - 1948 London Olympics but Athletics had strict rules
- Trust funds eventually established -governing bodies channeled payments - living conditions
- Now, Money directly to athlete or agent
- end of twentieth century - number of major competitions for male + females
- Diamond League - 2010
- Major sponsorship - Nike + Adidas
What is an example of Social Stratification ?
In the school type ; either state or private - greater access for the upper class e.g horse-riding which is expensive
How did Transport Revolution influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
development of transport caused develop in sport
- movement of teams + spectators - further travel
- access to different areas - national leagues
- cheaper travel - more WC spectators
- access to countryside - rural games
What is Commercialism ?
is the process of attempting to gain money from sport
- commercials + media
What are the characteristics of Amateurism ?
- manliness
- appreciating the value of health/fitness benefits
- appreciating rule-regulated sports
- high moral integrity
What are the characteristics of Commercial Sport ?
- professional sport
- sponsorship + business
- entertainment
- contracts e.g. involving sales of merchandise + bidding for tv rights
- athletes as commodiates e.g. asset to companies through product endorsement
- widespread coverage
What were the Positive impact of Amateurism ?
- code of amateurism - set rules
- code of ethics - sportsmanship
- social elite - love for sport
- high regards for all rounder
- participation > winning
- amateur were the elite performers
- new middle class admired cultural values
What are Sociology’s main concerns ?
1) examining the interaction + interdependence of the way we live in groups + how we interact
2) examining how humans behaviour becomes controlled via family members, friends etc.
What is Popular Recreation ?
is sports and pass-times associated with the lower class in pre-industrial Britain
What was the Golden Triangle ?
A link between sport, business and media
- they are all strongly interlinked so they dependent on each other
is the unfavourable opinion of an individual or group, often based on inadequate facts (insufficient)
What are the BARRIERS for DISABILITY to participation ?
- negative self image or lack of confidence - stereotypes
- low income levels
- lack of access into/around facilities
- lack of organised programmes
- low media coverage - few role models
- lack of specialism coaches + equipment
How has Sport England impact Gender Sport ?
- 2015 - I WILL IF YOU WILL - 2.5 million funds
- funds via the WSFF
- 20 active projects - tackle gender gap in sport
- 2015 - THIS GIRL CAN - media publicity
What was the Emergence of Elite Female sport in Track + Field ?
- Treatment is still different in modern times
- Marathon - 1984
- Triple Jump + Hammer throw - 1996/2000
- Diamond League - same prize money
What are the BARRIERS for ETHNICITY to participation ?
- education > participation from family
- fear of racial abuse
- conflict with religion observances
- fewer role models to aspire to
- stereotypes - CHANNELING
- language barriers
What is Urbanisation ?
is when large amount of people migrated + moved form rural areas into towns + cities, seeking regular work in factories
What were the features of EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY Amateurs ?
- best performers (top of the NGB’s)
- high status
- controllers of sport
- middle/upper classes were majority
- highly moral - fair play
What are the FITNESS benefits of raising participation in sport ?
- improve posture + body composition
- improved cardiovascular fitness
- improved muscular strength/endurance
- improved flexibility + balance + agility
- improved reaction time + speed + power
How has Sport England invested into NGB’s ?
It submitted the WHOLE SPORT PLAN to Sport England (2013-17)
- detailing how invest money to help increase the number of young people playing their sport
- e.g rowing - Row-ability - develop partnerships with disabled organisations
How has Sport England impact Disability Sport ?
- 2015 - PLACES PEOPLE PLAY - 10.2 million funds
- inclusive sport - increase young disabled people participating
- GET EQUIPPED - specialist equipment funded
What are the BARRIERS for WOMEN to participation ?
- stereotypes barriers - CHANNELING
- less media coverage - less role models
- pressure to be thin as opposed to healthy
- fewer sponsorship opportunities
- negative impact of school PE programmes
- lack of leisure time due to work
What was the Emergence of Elite Female sport in Association Football ?
- 1966 - England world cup
- 1969 - WTA was formed
- 1971 - set up the FA cup
- 2011 - Women super league formed
- 2012 - forst Olympic team
- 2013-18 - Game changer - increase media focus
kind, generous, middle class individuals who has a social conscience and were keen to try to provide a better life for the working classes
How did Pubic Provision influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
The local council provision of facilities for the masses
- increase participate
- social control + improve hygiene
- improve productivity at work - less illnesses
What are the Social-Cultural Factors that influenced women’s participation in football ?
- equal opportunities - Sex Discrimination act passed
- increased in media coverage - women super league
- more female role models in high rules
- approval/encouragement via the FA
- more clubs formed
- more funding + free time
- more provision via school PE programmes
is learning values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself
What is Primary Socialisation ?
is Socialisation in the early childhood from immediate family
- this is where INTERNALISATION occurs
- behaviour patterns + copy family sport
What are the Social-cultural features of life in Pre-Industrial Britain (Pre-1780) ?
- communications + transport limited
- widespread illiteracy
- lived in countryside/rural areas
- cruel + violence - norms of lower class
- limited free time
- class division based on FEUDAL SYSTEM
is treating people fairly, giving people the same chance
what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Media on Sport ?
POSITIVE - inspire participation from role models - increase awareness of minority sports - media careers developed - funding - sports more fairer due to replays etc. - stereotypes broken NEGATIVE - too much sport of tv - too much pressure - winning is everything - bad role models - media intrusions + demands - pay so not available to everyone - change aspects - minority sports limited
what are the effects of commercialism on Sport ?
- rules + scoring systems have been changed or introduced to speed up the action + prevent spectator boredom e.g. multi-ball in football
- breaks extended so sponsor can advertise there products and services
- competition formats has changed e.g. Twenty20
- women sport receive less coverage
- increase use of technology through media led to more personal experience for the viewers e.g. HD coverage
What are the BARRIERS + SOLUTIONS to participation ?
BARRIERS - Lack of time - Lack of motivation - Lack of resources - Lack of Skill - Negative social influence - Family obligations SOLUTIONS - add physical activity to daily routine - invite friend/family to exercise with - select activity requiring few facilities + limited equipment - select activity requiring few or no skill - invite friend/family to exercise with - exercise with children
How did FIRST HALF of the Industrial Revolution influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
FIRST HALF - Negative effect on sport :
- H - poor hygiene + health
- I - lack of income
- T - lack for time
- F - facility provision was lacking
- O - overcrowding - lack of space
- R - loss of rights
What is the Feudal System ?
a way to structure society around a relationship derived from the holding of land in exchange for service/labour
What does less coverage of Women sport cause ?
- less participation
- less funding
- less role models
What were the features of MODERN DAY Amateurs ?
- tend to be lower classes
- high-level performers still not professionals e.g. gymnasts
- blurring of amateur + professionals e.g. equal/achievements based on merit
- top levels in sport open to all
- amateur can receive financial gain for training
What were the features of MODERN DAY Professionals ?
- all classes can compete - social classes no longer a barrier
- respected for talent + efforts
- highly rewarded for playing professionals
- celebrity status
- positive role models
- more spectators attend matches
How did the Emergence of the Middle class influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
- CODIFICATION - gradual organisation + defining the rules - led to NGB’s development
- set up competitions + leagues
- pubic provision - publiv facilites e.g. park
- move to professionalism
is the unfair treatment of a person or group, distinguishing and acting on a prejudice
1) OVERT - visible e.g verbal abuse
2) COVERT - hidden e.g. non-selection
What are examples of racism ?
What was Lawn tennis ?
a sport played with racquets and a ball, originally called Sphairistike
What are the SOLUTIONS for WOMEN to participation ?
- sex discrimination act passed - 1975
- increase sponsorship/media
- encourage shared domestic roles
- improve PE provision - reject stereotypes
- social acceptable of women having jobs with better incomes
- support organisations e.g. WSFF
What were the Positive impact of Professionalism ?
- broken-time payments emerged
- standards rise
- played for financial gain
- employment from factories based on talent
- commercialism + media coverage
- earning seen as social mobility
What were the factors affecting the Emergence of elite female officials in football ?
First women official was Wendy Toms - breakthrough was slow
Development pathway from 7-1 (trainee to Premier league referee)
- more female role models in high rules
- approval/encouragement via the FA
- general equality in society - recognition of women’s ability
- FA respect campaign - improve referees respect from players
is a lifelong process whereby members of society learn its norms, values, ideas, practices and roles in order to take their place in society
- Primary
- Secondary
What was the development of the Wenlock Olympian Games ?
1) 1850 - the WARS society resolved to form a call called the Olympian class
- set up to promote moral and physical improvements especially in the lower class
2) the driving force behind the Wenlock Olympian Games was Dr Brookes
- first games included a mixture of athletics + traditional games such as cricket + football etc.
- there was fun games two e.g. ‘the old women race’
- celebrations were key e.g. flag bearers
3) 1867 - a range of new athletic events were included
4) 1890 - De Coubertin inspired by Dr Brookes so established IOC + reformed to modern olympic games in Athens - 1896
What is a INEQUALITY and what causes it ?
is the unfair situation where resources + opportunities are distributed unevenly within a society
- M - money
- R - role models
- M - myths
- C - confidence
Causes consequence of lower participation levels in sport from certain groups
How did the Development of National Government Bodies influence the development of Rational Recreation ?
- more leagues + fixtures
- more clubs formed
- maintain amateur ideal
- threat of professionalism + commercialism
- codification required (different versions in schools)
e. g. FA - 1863
Who does Social control affect Women Participation ?
Well historically society was male dominate - restricted women involvement - Women’s pressure :
- look feminine
- stay at home with the children
- ensure acceptable behaviour
What is the INTERACTIONIST APPROACH of the social action theory ?
it the study of how people behave within a society
- it stress that people have an active role in shaping society
- the way we communicate + interact are emphasised
- see sport as an essential part of society ‘s make up
What is Globalisation ?
is the process whereby nations are increasingly being link together and people are becoming more interdependent via improvements in communication + travel
What are the characteristics of Real Tennis ?
- played by the upper class
- complex + written rules
- high moral code - no violence
- played regularly in leisure time
- expensive purpose build facilities + specialised equipment
- not localised
What are the Minority (target) groups of society ?
is the concept that refers to the way in which peoples thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems
- made up of different institutions - undertake different social processes
is a type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characteristics, such as wealth or social status
How does Sport England link with Local Partners ?
It invest in 49 CSP’s - County sport partnerships
- increase participation through organisations, NGB’s and local authorities
- Sport England fund local partners
What are the different types of media ?
- TV - most powerful aspect as buying + selling of tv broadcasting rights
- New-papers
- Interent
- Social media
is problems that affects a considerable amount of people in a society
- normally caused by a INEQUALITY
What impact does social media have on Sport ?
- change behaviour of performers + fans
- create excitement
- fans prefer to get sport news through media
- performers build up fan base - wider audience
- social media can cause trouble
How does Sport England link with National Partners ?
Work with a number of nationally funded partners :
- EFD’s - England Federation of Disability Sport
- Sporting Equals - improve ethnic diversity
- Women In Sport (WSFF)
- StreetGames - affordable sport
Why was Mob Football Banned ?
- violent
- injuries + deaths
- damage to properties
- gambling
- link to alcohol consumption