sport phyc Flashcards
define social loafing
- there is a belief that their efforts wont make a difference to the team and that their lack of effort wont effect the team outcome therefore individual working at a lower intensity.
factors that effect group cohesion include:
- personality clashes
- unclear/conflict roles amoung team
- frequent changes to the group
- lack of communication
- power struggle between players
list strategies to improve group cohesion
- create/develope a team contract
- develpope code of conduct/rules
- create appropriate group sizes
- evaluate members of the group individually
what is carons model
a model of personal, environmental, leadership and team factors that all contribute to group cohesion
describe what the P in carons model stands for
- describes that each individual has dfferent motivational factors and indivividual differences
- theres 3 different types of motivation task, affiliation motivation and self motivation
exaplian the 3 different types of motivations
task motivation- make it to premier ship/state team
affiliation motivation- associated with social cohesion
self motivation- satisfaction through improving personal performance
what does the E stand for in carons model
this related to the social and physical environment of the group
factors of environment include:
- code of conduct
- selection process for example nationals
- location
- provide social opportunities for players to learn acceptable social conduct
what does the L in carons model stand for
the leadership style which works best for both the coach and the group.
strategies- coaching style is appropriate for all players
- establish a leadership group within the team
- distribute roles within the team
- outline clear expectaions to the players with consequences
what does the T in carons modle stand for
team- this relates to the aim and experiences of the team together like a shared vision and goal.
- team goals
- wearing team uniform
- increase team stability so everyone feels valued
- rewarding team in success
describe one way to measure group cohesion in a sporting team
- players asked to describe their interpersonal relationship -who they like/dislike
- the coaches then using this info to try and improve cohesiveness within the team
how does the practice of mental skills improves physical skills
Strong mental toughness promotes:
- has the ability to focus and concentrate
- Rebound form failure
- Deal with pressure
- Persist against adversity
what are mental skill strategies
Mental skills strategied used pre during and post performance to manage stress motivation and concentrtion, self confidence and arousal levels
what are mental skills
Mental skills required for improving performance and achieving the ideal performance state “the zone” are as follows
describe the phsychological skill training (PST) or the phases in learning a new mental skill
Programs are tailored to match the performaer but usually have 3 phases
1. Education- discussion and explanation
2. Acquisitionphase- learning how to apply mental skills to perfromance
3. Preactice phase- mental skills are practised till autonomus
define imagery and how can it enhance performance
This involves visualising successful outcomes in situations requiring strong effort. this Works by producing muscle activity providing a mental bluerint, ot improving other mental skills such as concentration and motivation.
how does the development of mental skills enhance performance
The development of mental skills can enhance performance by:
1. Increasing motivation
2. Improving self confidence and self image
3. Improving concentration
4. Regulating aroussal levels
5. Decreasing stress and tension, before, during and after competition
define relaxation
Relaxation techniques are used to reduce anxiety and manage arousal levels. There are many techniques available to the athlete, but the more common techniques are: centred breathing, progressive muscular relaxation, listening to music, and mental relaxation.
describe how progressive muscle relaxation and centred breathing
centered breathing where an athletefocuses on lengthening their breathing to reduce their respiratory and heart rate to reduce anxiety and decrease arousal levels
progressive muscle relaxation where an athlete moves from one end to the other contracting and relaxing muslces decrease arousal and anxiety
what is arousal
is the degree of stimulation present in a performer about to perform a skilled task
explain how social loafing and how it effects the individual and group performance
social loafing is when an individual believes their efforts wont make a different to the team thereofre training at a lower intensity which effects the tea,.
when individuals perform social loafing they reduce their performance and lower group performance overall. this resulting in lower group cohesion and motivation as members arentpulling their weight in the team and other are having to suffer with the consequences.
list 3 techniques used to increase arousal levels
- pre- competition warm up or routines
- imagery
- positive self talk
list 3 techniques to decrease arousal levels
- centered breathing
- self talk and trying to though stop
- progressive muscle relaxation
define group cohesion
a dynamic process of the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united to pursue instrumental objectives and satisfaction of member affective needs
describe the two different types of cohesion
social cohesion- the of closeness of the relationships within the team and how well they work together
task cohesion- working together to achieve a set task or goal.
coaches must ensure there is strong cohesion within the riders. outline 2 strategies a coach could implement to improve the task cohesion of the team. 2 mark
establishing clear team goals that can work together to achieve like achieving a certain time for the 4000m event
team meetings where clear expectations of each member are set in working together to achieve the predetermined goal