SPMM - Statistics Flashcards
What is the coefficient of variation useful for?
Comparing variations of two or more different variables
How is degrees of freedom calculated in chi square statistics?
df = (number of rows - 1) x (number of columns - 1)
What does chi square test?
Observed vs expected proportions
What does cox’s proportional hazards test asses?
If survival time (continuous) is affected by one or several predictors
What type of data does ANOVA use?
ANOVA assess for differences in a continuous dependent variable (interval or ratio) based upon several categorical (nominal or ordinal)
When would McNemar test be used?
Dependent is dichotomous
Independent is categorical
Similar to paired t test but for dichotomous rather than continuous dependent variable
Like Chi Square but for paired + non-parametric
In a logistic regression how may a chi square be useful?
Allows to test the null hypothesis that all covariates in a logistic regression are 0
A significant result suggests that one of the covariates is significantly associated with the dependent variable
When is Wilcoxon test used?
For ordinal paired data that is non-normally distributed
- Two types exist wilcoxon rank sum for larger samples
- Wilcoxon sign for smaller ones
Both calculated by converting data into ranks and summing the positive and negative ranks in a table
When is a log rank test used?
To see if survival differs significantly between two groups
Assess significant differences from the null hypothesis which is the probability of death between groups is equal
How do independent groups t test and Mann Whitney U tests differ?
Independent groups/unpaired t test - if the data is normally distributed and continuous
Mann Whitney U - non-parametric for not normally distributed data OR ordinal data as this would utilise medians rather than testing of means
Name the assumptions of chi square?
All expected values in each cell have a count = 1 (no cell expected value of < 1)
At least 80% of total cells have a count = 5
Independent groups
Data must be counts or frequencies rather than proportions or percentages
All subjects can only contribute to one cell/data point
Categorical data (can be ordinal - interval/ratio would need to be converted)
When may weighted kappa be chosen > Cohen’s kappa for inter-rater reliability?
Ordinal data - it takes into account degree of disagreement and frequencies of disagreement
What method corrects/adjusts for multiple comparisons?
Bonferroni correction - it is rigorous and strict and may lead to false negatives
What is censored data in kaplan meier survival curves?
Events that occur after the period witnessed.
In Kaplan meirer survival curves may only plot until 50% of the sample reach outcome of interest (median survival time)
For the remaining 50% of participants who don’t reach the outcome in the study period but may reach it after this data is referred to as censored data
Describe when a one-way ANOVA would be used?
One categorical independent variable (N-way ANOVA is where there is N number of categorical independent variable)
Dependent variable is continuous
Spearman’s rank correlation may be chosen over pearson’s if?
Discrete data
Continuous but non-parametric
How does stepwise, backward and forward regression analysis differ?
- Start with ones which are least statistically significantly associated with the outcome - from here more statistically significant are added
- Disadvantage is that clinically relevant variables may not be statistically significant
- Construct the regression with just independent and dependent variables
- Add each covariate - if the regression coefficient of a previously added covariate changes then the covariate must be a confounder and is retained (if not it is discarded)
- Starts with the full model and removes each covariate depending on changes seen in the regression coefficients
How is kappa calculated?
Observed agreement beyond chance / potential agreement beyond chance (takes into account some agreements may be chance)
How is observed agreement calculated?
No. observed agreement of presence + No. of observed agreement of absence
Total number of presence + total number of absence
What does R2 in regression models mean?
Coefficient of determination - the amount of variation in a model that is account for by the regression model