Splints Flashcards
Brachial plexus (C5-T1 resulting in whole UE involvement)
Injury flail arm splint: it provides the needed stability at both the shoulder and elbow for functional positioning of the hand.
Erb’s palsy splint (injury to the 5 & 6 brachial plexus roots):
Elbow lock splint stabilized the elbow to enable that individual to position the hand closer ot or away from his/her body.
Radial nerve palsy
dynamic wrist splint, finger & thumb extension splint
Median nerve injury:
Opponents splint (thumb spica), C-bar (hand in C position)
Ulnar nerve injury
static/dynamic splint to position MCPs in flexion
at wrist: Block fourth and fifth MCPs to 30°–45° flexion to prevent hyperextension
Combined median/ulnar injury
figure eight or dynamic MCP flexion splint
Spinal cord C6-C7
Tenodesis splint
Tenodesis splint or wrist-driven flexor hinge hand splint:
is a dynamic splint, the effect that tenodesis has on tendon length will dictate in part the wrist position that will optimize forces directed at the digits.
The client with spinal cord injury (C6 & C7) gains considerable function with this splint.
DeQuervains disease:
Thumb spica splint (includes wrist) IP joint is free
Swan Neck :
silver rings or buttonhole splint (to prevent hyperextension of PIP joint)
PIP hyper extension block
silver rings or dynamic PIP extension splint (to prevent flexion of PIP joint)
Skier’s thumb:
hand based thumb splint
CMC arthritis
hand based thumb splint, functional (C shaped) or safe splint, depending on stage
resting splint: wrist at 20°–30° extension, thumb at 45° palmar abduction, MCPs at 35°–45° flexion, and PIPs and DIPs in slight flexion
spasticity splint (fingers abducted, thumb abducted) or cone splint
Muscle weakness (ALS, SCI, Guillian-Barre):
balanced forearm orthosis (BFO), deltoid sling/over head suspension slings
1. mounts to w/c
2. individual must have shoulder/trunk movement
3. burns airplane splint
Balanced forearm orthosis
Useful with muscle weakness such as Guillan-Barre syndrome, muscular dystrophy and brachial plexus injury. MUST HAVE MMT OF above 2 & coordination of elbow flexion (can be used with C5 quad) Overhead suspension sling Best suited for individuals presenting with proximal weakness & MMT of 1/5 to 3/5.
Ulnar drift positioning splint
ulnar deviation splint
Ulnar drift positioning splint is to prevent ulnar drift while maintaining joint alignment for grasp and pinch activities.
-immobilze MCP joints and impeded functional use of hand to provide pain relieg, stability, alignment, and reduce stress on sublexed/deviated joints