Causes of Stroke Flashcards
Insufficient blood flow; may result from an embolism to the brain from cardiac or arterial sources
May be caused by deep hypertensive intracerbral ____________, ruptured saccular aneurysms, bleeding from arteriovenous malformations, and spontaneous lobar _________
Cerebral anoxia
Reduced oxygen supply to the brain
A localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the arterial wall
Transient ischemic attacks (TIA)
- Result of vascular disease of the brain
- Characterized by mild, isolated, or repetitive neurological symptoms that develop suddenly
- Lasts for mins. to several hrs., but does not exceed 24 hours.
Reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND)
- last between 24 hrs and 3 weeks
-symptoms resolve spontaneously or after meds
The most common contributing factor of thrombotic strokes. ________ is the formation of a plaque along a vessel wall. This causes progressive narrowing of the vessel lumen resulting in decreased blood flow. Rupture of an ______________plaque can lead to thrombus formation and acute cessation of blood flow.
Embolic- Atrial fibrillation
________ causes stasis of blood flow in the atria which promotes clot formation and may cause embolic strokes. Rheumatic heart disease, endocarditis, and post myocardial infarction also promote emboli development. Patients with __________should be on medication to prevent formation of blood clots such as warfarin or heparin.
Severe Hypertension
________ prolonged _____ often causes formation of small saccular aneurysms also called berry aneurysms in the cerebral arteries known as the Circle of Willis. These malformations may rupture and cause a subarachnoid hemorrhage. These patients will often experience the “worst headache of their lives.”