splenectomy Flashcards
what infections are at risk of developing post splenectomy
which vaccines should be given prior to splenectomy ( if elective)
Hib, meningitis A & C
annual influenza vaccination
pneumococcal vaccine every 5 years - to be done 2 weeks prior
abx prophylaxis for splenectomy
Pen V
what are the indications for a splenectomy
spontaneous rupture - EBV
hypersplenism : hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis
malignancy - lymphoma, leukaemia
splenic cysts etc
what post splenectomy changes are seen
platelets will rise
howell jolly bodies
what blood film changes can be seen post splenectomy
cytoplasmic inclusions such as Howell Jolly bodies
siderocytes and reticulocytes
Name two other organs in the left upper quadrant that may have
been damaged.
L eft kidney, left adrenal gland, splenic flexure of the colon (also
transverse and descending accepted), pancreas, stomach, left lobe
o f liver, lung.
What is the function of the red pulp and white pulp of the spleen?
red pulp - destroys RBC
white pulp - lymphoid tissue acting as part of the bodies immune system
What are Howell-Jolly bodies?
Red blood cells in which the nuclear rem nant is still seen.