hernias Flashcards
What is the definition of a hernia?
The protrusion of a structure through the wall of cavity in which
it is usually contained.
With relation to the pubic tubercle, how do you differentiate
between inguinal and femoral hernias?
The neck of an inguinal hernia appears superior and medial to the
pubic tubercle. The neck of a femoral hernia appears inferior and
lateral to it.
With relation to the inferior epigastric vessels, how do you
differentiate between indirect and direct inguinal hernias?
Indirect inguinal hernias occur lateral to the inferior epigastric
vessels; direct inguinal hernias occur medial to these vessels.
Using embryology, explain how indirect inguinal hernias occur.
D u rin g foetal developm ent, the testes descend from the p osterior
abdominal wall into the scrotum follow ing the processus vaginalis
via an attachment called the gubernaculum s. If the connection
to the peritoneal cavity fails to close, then a patent processus
vaginalis is present through which indirect inguinal hernias can
Give two risk factors for inguinal hernias.
Prematurity, m ale sex, chronic cough, constipation, obesity, heavy
lifting, other physical activity, e.g. sports.
What is the difference between an obstructed and a strangulated
inguinal hernia?
An obstructed inguinal hernia is one thro u g h which contents o f
the G I tract can n o t pass. A strangulated inguinal hernia implies
ischaemia o f the portion of bow el affected.
Give two complications following inguinal herniotomy surgery.
Recurrence, wound site infection, mesh infection, hydro-coele,
intestinal dam age, bladder dam age, spermatic cord dam age,
testicular infarction secondary to blood vessel dam age.