bowel obstruction Flashcards
What are the four main features of bowel obstruction?
C o nstipation (m ay n o t be absolute), vomiting, colicky abdominal
pain, distension.
What features in a patient’s history would make you think of
small-bowel obstruction over large-bowel obstruction?
Small-bowel obstruction (any two of the following): pain is higher
in the abdomen as it is a midgut structure, vomiting occurs earlier
and abdominal distension is less.
Give four common causes of bowel obstruction.
Constipation, adhesions, hernias, tum our, diverticulitis.
What clinical sign would distinguish between an ileus and a
mechanical obstruction?
Absence o f bow el sounds indicates an ileus. Tinkling bowel
sounds supports a mechanical obstruction.
What investigation would help you to distinguish between a
small- and large-bowel obstruction?
Abdominal X-ray.
What immediate management would you start?
Bowel rest - ‘drip and suck’. T h e p atien t should be m ade nil by
m o u th and a nasogastric tube should be passed to rest th e bow el
from the gastric con ten ts produced each day. Intravenous fluids
should be started to adequately rehydrate the patient.